War Machine Sintra WIP


New Member
Hey guys, this is my first post and just thought I'd share with what I'm up to. I'm trying to finish this in time for Anime Expo and Comic Con International in San Diego before I leave for Korea. I'm using 3mm sintra held together by rivets. Here's my progress so far:


Front view of the chest


Back View


Just finished the right shoulder weapon, currently working on the left.


And I just installed the light for my chest, War Machine's armor next to Iron Man's. =)

And just for reference, the look I'm going for is the War Machine from the Dark Reign series, hope you enjoy!

That is Aarons chest and arm.. Glad to see it being put back to use.. great start to your build.

Yes, you got it! His armor has been great reference. I hope one day he changes his mind and decides to take the armor off of me so I can stand by him once again as War Machine. I made War Machine once but I'm re-doing it as you see here in this thread. This was my first War Machine with Aaron.

Thanks guys, here's another update for my War Machine. Working on the mini-gun based inside this comic. Also forgot to mention how I'm mounting my weapons on my shoulders. I'm using those snap-ons you can find at JoAnn's and super gluing them on to my armor and adding the snap on button on weapon so it can snap on to my shoulders easily. It surprisingly holds it very well too thanks to super glue. I'll post up-close pictures so you guys can see. In the meantime enjoy my mini-gun wip. I took apart my old mini-gun which is why the pvc pipes are painted black.

Cool work.

And, I initially read that as "War Machine Sinatra". Although I don't know what I'd have expected to see with that. Maybe War Machine with a martini. :confused
Alright guys, here's another update. Finished mounting the mini-gun, now I just need to add the magazines, barrels, and add some lights to it just to give it a cool effect. And yes, both of these shoulder weapons are removable. I'll post later how I mount these on to my chest.



Alright guys, as said before I would show you how I'm able to mount the weapons on my armor. I bought these snap-on buttons from Jo-Ann's and riveted them into my chest. And I mounted the buttons for it on to the mounts for the weapons so that way the weapons easily mount on to me. This is meant to be done with the help of someone as I wear the War Machine suit just like the movies, how Tony Stark needs a machine to put on the suit for him. Here's the pics:


Buttons riveted and super glued into the armor with the help of 3 washers since the rivets were kinda long when I bought them.


Back view of the chest with the mounts for the mini-gun to mount onto.


Then like so, the mini-gun is easily snapped into the back of the armor. It still holds when I bend all the way down lol. I was very surprised, these snap-ons are very strong!
Another quick update, figured out what to use for the barrels for my mini-gun. Featuring Pringles Baked Potato and Sour Cream & Onion, once War Machine pops, he just can't stop! LoL