Wanna duke it out in giant robots, for free? Mechwarrior 4 - free download


Master Member
I am currently on a Macross/Mechwarrior/Robotech high, so I googled for a small and simple battle game.

Turns out that mektek released Mechwarrior 4 for free last year.

Mechwarrior 4 Free

Unfortunately my old laptop does not have enough power to run it , so it´s back to the old amiga emulator :p

EDIT: scrap that, I played the "Assaulttech 1: Battletech" (also a free download), but now installed MW4 with the lowest possible graphics settings, and it runs really smooth! Feels like 1995 again, graphicswise, but hey, still fun !

But I am sure that there are a few among you that might enjoy that game ;

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Re: Wanna duke it out in giant robots, for free? Mechwarrior 4 free download

I miss the Arcade version with the enclosed cockpit. They should be in dumpsters somewhere but they aren't! I'd love to play folks in that thing.
Re: Wanna duke it out in giant robots, for free? Mechwarrior 4 free download

I just downloaded it. I found a ton of the Mechawarrior/battletech games last week but I'm not fond of buying them from a thrift store. I wish more of them were on xbox. Thanks, Michael.
Re: Wanna duke it out in giant robots, for free? Mechwarrior 4 free download

I miss the Arcade version with the enclosed cockpit. They should be in dumpsters somewhere but they aren't! I'd love to play folks in that thing.

They had them, as of like five years ago, at a Dave & Buster's near me. I had been playing MW4 constantly so it was easy to kill every other player. :lol For some reason only basic controls were activated so no torso control or anything.

BTW, there's supposedly a new MW game in development, but no word on it lately.
Re: Wanna duke it out in giant robots, for free? Mechwarrior 4 free download

I never saw an arcade version, then again we don't have anywhere with arcade games around here.
Re: Wanna duke it out in giant robots, for free? Mechwarrior 4 free download

I still have all my MechWarrior games and paks.

Too bad I went Mac and can't play them anymore.
Re: Wanna duke it out in giant robots, for free? Mechwarrior 4 free download

I'm downloading this right now. I played a Mechwarrior game years ago so I probably will suck at it but if anyone wants to play, I'm game.
Re: Wanna duke it out in giant robots, for free? Mechwarrior 4 free download

These guys did an awesome job with this mod for Crysis. Really in depth, and it looks and feels amazing. You can even fly aerotech's and pilot Elemental armor. Great stuff!

MechWarrior: Living Legends
I miss the Arcade version with the enclosed cockpit. They should be in dumpsters somewhere but they aren't! I'd love to play folks in that thing.

Haha, played "Battletech VR" once in I think 1998, with vr goggles and such, couldn´t see a thing because the vision was totally out of focus, a total disappointment. But then again, the game was 8 years old already.

Crysis mod? Awesome!

Back to MW4, it even comes with a level designer! Ack, I don´t have the time to get into that game in depth, so it´s just an occasional battle, I guess.

But if anyone creates an RPF clan, please post here!
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I always loved Mercenaries (the first one). Liked it better than the others (although I did enjoy the fact that some of the Clan versions of the "Unseen" Mechs appeared in the first game).
Re: Wanna duke it out in giant robots, for free? Mechwarrior 4 free download

I still have all my MechWarrior games and paks.

Too bad I went Mac and can't play them anymore.

Bootcamp FTW!

I play Fallout 3, Fallout NV, and Voyage Elite Force via Bootcamp on my Unibody Macbook - works like a charm!
Last year at dragoncon they had 8 pods setup as mechwarrior full cockpits for giant battles. the wait time to play sucked but it was soooooo fun. hope they come back this year
You guys need to check out Living Legends. Man if only I had the rig to power it properly.
YouTube - Mechwarrior Living Legends 2011

The arcade version is Firestorm which is essentially MW4 with Mekpak 1 I think.

And get Mektek mekpack 3 for really old school unseens. I think they pulled them out of 3.5. Nothing like stomping around in a Marauder 2 and frying a guy in an Archer.

Did I mention I love Battletech?

A few things on the workbench right now. 1200 miniatures and 110 ten books and counting.



Wow, post more pics of your collection!

Living legends looks awesome, but I don´t have Crysis and a a pc that´s up to specs (nor the time to play extensively :( )

I´d love to see more of the Mechs, will go look for designs on the wiki! Thanks for the Youtube link.
Sure, I'm just up painting anyhow. Lemme get some variety out here. Most of my Z-scale stuff has been put away as I convert more over to the cheaper and bigger N-scale.

Little Z-scale city made from an old kid's set.


And as much of my collection as will fit on my shelves at the moment, mostly N-scale. Got about 3 more giant boxes of stuff in the closet. Sarna.net has all the battlemech info you could ever want when it comes to designs. But feel free to ask me any questions.





My N-scale unseen and fan only shelf



Double post but if you like old school Battletech and you know how to play then Megamek is brilliant and low resource for a laptop. Anything you can do in the board game you can do in Megamek.

Use any mech from any era, plus ASF's, tanks, infantry, orbital bombardment, dropships, submarines, blue water battleships, black navy warships, nukes, knives, and pointy sticks.

There are some really great moments where you DFA enemies or pick up an enemy mech's dismembered arm and smack him in the face with it.