Van Helsing props


Sr Member
So, i've tried a few times before and hav gotten no where. I'm gonna keep on tryin till I get somewhere with this. I need pics of and of Van Helsing's weapons or accessories. I know they were/are on display at Fortress dracula at Universal Studios Cali (not sure if it's still there) and was hoping maybe someone can take a bunch of high res detail pics of the props on display? Please PM me if you dont' want to get bombarded wtih other requests. I'm most interested in the guns, crossbow, and tojos. Any of Van helsing's for that matter. The other characters dont' interest me that much.
Exactly the stuff i'm looking for. Thanks slave1pilot. Do you have any more or is this it? Anyone else have any pics to add??
that's all I have sorry.
I'm not a VH fan, but I thought someone might want a pic or two on here, so I tried to snap some in the low-light.
Originally posted by TFrosst@Mar 20 2006, 05:03 AM
So, i've tried a few times before and hav gotten no where.  I'm gonna keep on tryin till I get somewhere with this.  I need pics of and of Van Helsing's weapons or accessories.  I know they were/are on display at Fortress dracula at Universal Studios Cali (not sure if it's still there) and was hoping maybe someone can take a bunch of high res detail pics of the props on display?  Please PM me if you dont' want to get bombarded wtih other requests.  I'm most interested in the guns, crossbow, and tojos.  Any of Van helsing's for that matter.  The other characters dont' interest me that much.

Ok Mr Frosst--What are you doing--Reading my archives of the things I want to create?? I want the Crossbow BADDDDD..
I guess Ill just have to make it :cry :p

Would like a lot o fthe other items to--To include the mask he wears at the beginning.

I guess Ill have to make that too--(Im a pretty good darned seamstress too...)
I actually have the mace Kate was carrying in the "wet dog" scene.

Well... Maybe not the ACTUAL mace...

I bought a screen used stunt mace certified to have been used in Shanghai Knights.

But it is IDENTICAL in design to the one she has in that scene.
I see that you've talked me into digging into my super secret stash :D



















Originally posted by appliedmetal+Mar 21 2006, 03:08 AM--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(appliedmetal @ Mar 21 2006, 03:08 AM)</div>
@Mar 20 2006, 05:03 AM
So, i've tried a few times before and hav gotten no where.  I'm gonna keep on tryin till I get somewhere with this.  I need pics of and of Van Helsing's weapons or accessories.  I know they were/are on display at Fortress dracula at Universal Studios Cali (not sure if it's still there) and was hoping maybe someone can take a bunch of high res detail pics of the props on display?  Please PM me if you dont' want to get bombarded wtih other requests.  I'm most interested in the guns, crossbow, and tojos.  Any of Van helsing's for that matter.  The other characters dont' interest me that much.

Ok Mr Frosst--What are you doing--Reading my archives of the things I want to create?? I want the Crossbow BADDDDD..
I guess Ill just have to make it :cry :p

Would like a lot o fthe other items to--To include the mask he wears at the beginning.

I guess Ill have to make that too--(Im a pretty good darned seamstress too...)

LoL. I'm really glad that someone on the board that has access to kick ass prop making machines likes this movie. I'd love a mask like that. Great for cold winters in Canada :D If someone would be willing to do a couple of plan drawings for the main parts of the cross bow and maybe some other things that have been pictured like the hand gun, tojo handle/blades, etc., we may be on the right track.
This is the highest res image I could find of him wearing the mask (just in case you're interested Clay ;) )

Thanks for all the pics guys. Keep 'em coming if you have more.
Originally posted by PHArchivist@Mar 21 2006, 03:35 AM
I actually have the mace Kate was carrying in the "wet dog" scene.

Well...  Maybe not the ACTUAL mace...

I bought a screen used stunt mace certified  to have been used in Shanghai Knights.

But it is IDENTICAL in design to the one she has in that scene.

I remeber hearing that a while back. I went searching for them online and found the company that made all the weapons in that scene (minus Van helsings custom stuff). They're located in Prague and have shops all over the city and at the castle. May have to pay them a visit. They have the little war hammer of the hand holding the spike and it only costs about $130 USD


I would love to have/make the tojo blades, revolvers and the grappling gun... Oh and the crossbow! Have I forgot something?:D
Damn, I love the weapons of VH...

I scratchbuilt a tojo blade back then... Not so accurate and is almost falling apart these days...:rolleyes