Well, I watched Van Helsing again--(yes I like it!!) and I always have liked this hammer so I figured Id give it a go. After about 30 minutes of messing around, here is what I have--should I continue?? I know its out of proportion --this was just a quick sculpt.
Well, I watched Van Helsing again--(yes I like it!!) and I always have liked this hammer so I figured Id give it a go. After about 30 minutes of messing around, here is what I have--should I continue?? I know its out of proportion --this was just a quick sculpt.
Well, I watched Van Helsing again--(yes I like it!!) and I always have liked this hammer so I figured Id give it a go. After about 30 minutes of messing around, here is what I have--should I continue?? I know its out of proportion --this was just a quick sculpt.
I like it too , nothing wrong with it as far as I'm concerned. Continue with the fine the tweaking cost it out for resin and/or metal and let us know. Good prop and a very good start. :thumbsup
Pretty sure you can buy these...
But where's the fun in that!?
What?? Dare you defile the creed of the prop maker--BUY what we can create and make with our own insanity?? LOL lol
Do you know where I can buy it???:wacko:lol
I had a go at making one of these to accompany my screen used costumes from Van Helsing, then found out it could be bought! :lol
Infact all of the various ornamental weapons and such were bought at a shop on location in Prague that sold these kind of cheap decorative things to tourists, but as PHArchivist mentioned, they can be found on various websites selling Medieval weapons and what-not
Great sculpt though :thumbsup
Looking very cool :thumbsup
I had a quick look for the site of the company in prague, but can't seem to find it at the moment, but I did save the picture from the time I delt with them, so hopefully this will help with the details and length of the mace:
Yep--thats it--- Thanks so much!!! Im gonna make mine tho--I FOUND IT!