USS daVINCI starcruiser scratchbuild

JP Modelworks

Active Member
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I wanted to get the Future mix on for an overall coat. I serves a two fold job. I've got the washes on the model and the Future makes the decal application easier. I don't like to cover the entire model with just Future. I try to keep the paint layers down to a minimum. The decals then went over the Future washes and Ill go back and spray flat clear over the model where necessary. It still looks like the decals are weathered with the rest of the model. Now I have to go in with some subtle pastel work.
I've been working on a new starcruiser design (for the past few months) that has it's roots in the USS GALILEO I built in the 80's. I'm trying to get this (and another design) ready for the big NOREASTCON model show this April '10.

If anyone remembers the GALILEO:

I like your Galileo ship model. The look is just right and avoids Trekkian stereotypes even though it has twin (or quad?) nacelles. I like the color, too. Nice job.