User Devilwalid


Sr Member
They posted in the HP cosplay thread inviting folks to join their forum for free Harry Potter props. Imagine my surprise (or lack thereof) when I find that the bulk of the props are from my own Web site with no credit given.

The best part: Seeing a crappy screencap of the Platform 9 3/4 ticket and underneath that the "results" of printing it. The result? My ticket which took me countless hours to redraw.

The second best part: I have a bad version of the Ollivander's label (it's just meant to show people what it looks like) on my site. I accidentally left the letter V over the O when I saved it.

I looked around and they're asking for a bunch of paper props. Beware.
sucks to hear that Juno, these are not items you offered here in the Free paper props forum correct? Just grabbed from your site and reproduced (poorly by the sounds of it)?

Just to play devil's advocate for a second though, perhaps the user figures if he is giving them away free, there is nothing wrong with it? Which there is, perhaps a friendly email might get you a good conclusion.

best of luck with it.
Even if they were items I'd offered in the free forum, I don't think it'd be appropriate to host / reproduce them elsewhere without credit.

I think it's clear from the Platform 9 3/4 "results" photo that this user knows what they're doing.
They'll always be people like that, unfortunately:angry. I'm the proud owner of 2 of Juno's "Hogwarts Express" tickets, they're incredibly well done, well worth the cost, and a great addition to my collection.(y)thumbsup

I hope you get this sorted out Juno.
I'm sorry I think that you are wrong I'm not seling your items or paper I made them my self besides all the free paper that i used are from google not your website furhermore the hogwarts express I made it my self you can see that in topic here so I don't think that I did something forbidden or wrong
best regards devilwalid !!
all the free paper that i used are from google not your website

Well at least you admit they are not your work but instead stolen from other people without credit... FYI they are not from Google, Google doesn't own or host the images they just inventory images on other people's websites... If you found them on Google, then you found them on other people's sites and used them without asking...
Well, I guess sometimes when you smoke crack the high lasts all day long.

First of all, I didn't say you were selling them. I said you (and your moderator) posted them to your forum. You guys have a couple of forums going -- is the goal some Google Adwords dollars?

"I made them my self"
I made that. The label is based off an antique vegetable label. The French sucks, of course, because it's not my native language. Wait. . . it's YOUR native language. C'est dommage!
I made that. Not only did I make that one, but I sell the design on Zazzle. It's not a true Harry Potter replica because I MADE IT UP.

This one is probably my favorite:
I didn't really make that one, but although I posted the real Ollivander's label, I made a mistake. I accidentally left on the layer with my "V" in it. So the V and the O overlap. How crazy that we did the exact same thing! It's like we're twins!

As to the ticket, you originally had posted this screencap (I see you've edited that page now) and claim the "results" of printing it are my ticket?

I did screencapture the updated page because it's equally entertaining (and still contains a photo of my ticket):
I'd like to also note that you REHOSTED my PDF of potions labels. The only way you would've gotten that was to download it from my Web site, not Google images.
welll in fact you're right and I'm sorry for those thing I will delet them from my forum and in future if I want to post something I will do credit sorry again c'est dommage parceque la je ne fais que les donner au gens qui ne savent po trop chercher sur internet et qui ne savent pas parler anglais donc je les aide je ne les vends po je ne gagne rien encore desolé :)
Yes, that's a shame. You lie and then you change your story. I'm not impressed.
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non j'ai pas menti parceque je ne croyais pas que tu parlais des free paper je croyais que tu parlais des trucs que tu vend encore dsl

official language of the RPF still is English, so keep the conversation in English!

And translate your already made posts to English, please.

RPF staff

official language of the RPF still is English, so keep the conversation in English!

And translate your already made posts to English, please.

RPF staff sound just like me when I try order something from McDonalds in the Oak Cliff area of Dallas! :lol

"I just want a freaking burger. No...I said Burger! vaca between two tortillas....whatever!!!"

Devilwalid has lied about his theft of other member's work, Why hasn't he been banned?

He agreed to the CofC when he joined.