Suggestion Tutorial Forum

Smiling Demon

Sr Member
Hey guys, do you think that it would be possible to get a tutorial forum?

Really would be nice for guys like me that build our own props.

Thanks for listening!!:)
I think it's a great idea. This would be quite beneficial to all the builders to share their building experiences, tricks, and techniques.

Would be a very nice addition to the Archives, just all good How-To's.

I say 'yah'. :thumbsup

Yep...I totally agree. As long as we don't have broken links. Nothing sucks more than finding an awesome thread title and realising the pics are all gone! LOL

Great idea mate:)

Kinda waited to see what response this received from members. I'll post a note to staff forum to check this thread and let them discuss.
Not against it, I'm just wondering why the Archives wouldn't be an appropriate place to save tutorials. It has some already.
Good idea, and anybody with a computer, webcam, a copy of xp or vista with windows movie maker near their work area should be uploading videos of their techniques and builds to their youtube accounts. ;)
Agreed. Besides, isn't the RPF a tutorial forum anyway?

I mean, it's a prop forum...:confused

Not against it, I'm just wondering why the Archives wouldn't be an appropriate place to save tutorials. It has some already.
Well, I guess this idea is a bust!

I understand that the archives have some tutorials there but if we had a tutorial forum then people like me wouldn't have to go searching hoping to find them. They would be in one place.
Sadly, I've always found the 'builders' on here to be far outweighed by the 'buyers'. :rolleyes I'm not into Master Replicas, resin this or that, simply putting parts together, kits, or any of that.

For the true scratch builders, there are a few more of us out there, and there are other forums for our craft.
Request for a tutorial category within the forum (moved and merged)

Forgive me if this has been asked before and dismissed for reasons that I am not aware of. I am a rather new member but I have lurked for quite some time. It seems to me that there are some great threads with incredible info in them that may either be hard to find or drop off the board. Items such as hardware sabers, blasters, etc. seem to be very popular and could do with a sticky area that has instructions and parts lists. Also paper props could have a home here as well.

What do you all think? Would this be possible?

Sorry if I missed something in the terms and conditions that would prohibit this.

Re: Request for a tutorial category within the forum

The archive thread section has many tutorial threads, and others regarding in depth discussions on found parts etc.

However i like the idea of having a specific section for tutorials, which could be catergorised under various 'film' banners, like star wars, trek etc.
Opinions on us having a seperate area for Tutorials

I'm not a mod or anything, I have no control over this, I was just wondering what people thought about it.

I think it would be neat.
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