Turbo/rapid-fire video-game controllers...

Alan Cross

Sr Member
I confess I've become addicted to UNCHARTED 2, online multiplayer. As I've put my hours into playing, I've noticed there seem to be guys that can almost INSTANTLY kill me in a direct machine gun shoot-out. I can't even get CLOSE. I'd assumed it was their superior skill (and I'm sure a lot of the time it IS their superior skill).

Then I read about companies/individuals who can mod a regular video-game controller and add a RAPID-FIRE button, to amp-up the fire rate of any weapon in the game.

Does anyone have an idea of how wide-spread this is? Has anyone tried it in online multiplayer combat? Has anyone used it in Uncharted 2? Does it work? Does it improve your kill ratio? Would you recommend getting a rapid-fire controller? What's your experience? BTW, I'm using the standard PS3 wireless controller (which I really like).

Thanks in advance for your thoughts.

Well...Obviously It's going to improve your kill ratio. It's cheating. It ruins the game for everyone else that isn't cheating. Rapid fire does not work on Machine/sub machine guns. it only works on guns that you have to press the button for every shot (unless the fire rate of the gun is slow enough where you can tap it to shoot faster) so if you're losing in a machine gun shoot out, it's probably not a modded controller. But like I said, it's cheating and ruins game play for others.
Well, I play 360 and I can tell you first hand if someone catches you using a modding controller, you get a lot of s*** for it. It's the ***** way to win, however a very wide majority of people have them. They turn a regular pistol into a machine pistol and can be effective at close range but it doesn't improve your K/D at all. Just gives you a slight advantage in a fire fight. I whip peoples a** who have those controllers all the time unless they're right in front of me, in which case 9/10 times they win the up close battle.
People who use modded controllers should not be allowed to play online. If you suck, you suck. Don't cheat because you suck.

That being said, it could also be that your connection is lagging to the point where you think you've shot them but they've already killed you on their end. This happens a lot with COD.
i dont see the rapid fire and other mod things as cheeting, but i dont really play seriousley. and to me i just think its cool pushing the boundries of what something can do that it wasnt intentionaly meant to do, and the actual process of modding things. like did you know that the origional iphone can take video? neither did apple, but people (including myself) made it happen! things like this are just cool to me i guess. i would never enter a tournament using a modded controller but i like the idea and process of doing it.
You can buy modded controllers online. I don't seem to notice as many that have the rapid fire cheat anymore. I still find the occasional player that has a lag switch, which really gets me going.
You can buy modded controllers online. I don't seem to notice as many that have the rapid fire cheat anymore. I still find the occasional player that has a lag switch, which really gets me going.

First, guys, thanks for sharing your thoughts. it's certainly not my intention to cheat... I'm basically just curious if there's a legitimate advantage in buying a better piece of equipment (the controller) that can improve my performance. But it sounds like this is regarded as cheating. And on that note...

What's a "lag switch?" It SOUNDS like something that my opponent uses to slow ME down. That's GOT to be cheating! How do you detect its use?

ALSO, I've also discovered that there are players who've found a glitch in the game and exploit it -- for example -- jumping off a cliff or INTO a wall and finding a CLEAR VIEW of the map you're in with NO WALLS OR OBSTRUCTIONS and a PERFECT VIEW of the other players. Then you just blast away at the other players who CAN'T SEE YOU, but are getting killed by your shots anyway. I've experienced this -- and had no idea what was going on until I did a search on Youtube and saw some people document the cheating.

Multiplayer can be a cruel cruel world!

From Wikipedia: By using a lag switch, a player is able to disrupt upload from the console to the server, while their own console queues up the actions performed.

It basically slows you down allowing the other person to shoot you.
I discovered that some opponents had mananged to fill my clips with blanks when playing RainBow 6. It was quite the hack.
I've noticed the same thing on Uncharted 2.. there was one match recently where this guy had all five of the guys on my team shooting him and he killed us all. We weren't missing him, he just wouldn't drop.
It's funny to listen to people in multiplayer react when they either get instantly killed or, when they shoot someone point blank and they don't die. "What???? That's total B*ll ****, man!" etc.

Though, yeah, there must be people who can hack into a game and screw with the physics. Loading your opponents guns with blanks - that's pure evil genius.
What I never understood is why people cheat online like that. What's the point? Does it really prove that you're "better" than the other guy? The sad thing is that if they're used to cheating, they lose whatever edge they may once have had, and end up getting to the point where they can't finish even a single-player game at all without cheating.

There are people out there that are just really, really good. That's mostly on PC side, though.. console controls limit how much benefit you get from fast reflexes and accuracy.
Much of the time people cheating are doing it not to "win" but rather to make YOU lose. They want to disrupt the game, not win it. They "win" by pissing you off.

I wouldn't expect that a "rapid fire" controller would do much in a console game, except for single shot weapons, and even then, you still have to aim properly.

As far as some guy getting the drop on you and killing you repeatedly, sometimes it's your connection, sometimes it's just dumb luck, and sometimes it's because you're playing against a guy who does nothing but play this game all the time.

When I was in college, I had a LOT of free time on my hands. I used to play games like Team Fortress 1, Quake 2 CTF, and Unreal Tournament. My school had a T1 connection, so my ping was always something in the single digits or low double digits. That gave me an advantage. I also played a LOT, so my reflexes were honed to the game. I regularly got the drop on people, and was accused of hacking once or twice. But I wasn't. I just played a ton and had a super fast connection.

Games like this are like any other activity -- the more you do it, the more comfortable you become with it. There's an upper limit to what you can do, but you can really improve your abilities by playing a ton.....if you have the time. For those of us who are now workin' stiffs, it's far more difficult to actually get good at a game, simply because there's less time to devote to it (or because you only play casually and have wide and varied interests).
"Much of the time people cheating are doing it not to "win" but rather to make YOU lose. They want to disrupt the game, not win it. They "win" by pissing you off."

So true. In a match I had this morning -- just as the game starts -- one player stands in the doorway, blocking the rest of us from passing through the door. Then he drops a grenade, kills the entire team, and then LEAVES the game. It's just a total "F.U." to guys he doesn't even know!

But, yeah, there are guys who play these games ALL THE TIME. And they just get really good.
On some games (like Uncharted 2) MP cheating is rampant.. on other games (like COD:Black Ops) you run into it once in a while but normally you only see problems when there are two guys on the same system.
I've been playing Black Ops lately with my cousins and while we've seen a couple of people cheating, the ones who actually cause us problems and lag are the ones with two guys on the same console.
There was one guy last night though who just wouldn't die. RPG to the face? no problem for him. Three guys pumping clips into him, tossing grenades on him and one guy running up behind meleeing like crazy? heh he went through the match without a death.
I can't stand that crap.. obviously, we sent in grief reports to the PSN.
People that cheat on online games are just trolls. They are trying to get a response from everyone else in the game.

A game with some bad cheating right now is Crysis 2 for PC. It seems like every server I get onto I have some hacker in there. Crytek kinda deserves it though with the lame anti-cheat protection they have implemented.
Yeah, I've found that I run into this stuff -- when I run in to it -- mostly on PC due to the rather open nature of the medium. I'm surprised there's as much cheating on PSN as you guys mention. I've never really noticed it on Xbox Live, myself, and I figured PSN was pretty much the same way.

But anyway, yeah, a lot of it is just practice and super fast connections, especially those college kids with T1 lines (or better).