Trooper_Trent Jedi Floating Remote BUILDER’S KIT


New Member
I wanted to show off my Jedi Remote build that I did using Trooper_Trents build kit. It was really easy to do and I think it came out great. His tutorials were really easy to follow and he did a great job with them. He gives you jigs that you can use to make sure that the parts are placed in the correct location. Anyone could really make this wonderful kit. When it comes to painting/weathering I am not very good, but with his explanation in his tutorials I was able to make this look really great. If you are worried about not being able to do this build, I would say that it is easily one of the best and easiest builds I have done. Here are some pictures I took during the build and how it looks after I have completed it.

And a shot with a lightsaber:


I'm so glad to see one of these finished! I put a lot of thought into the process but I've been worried maybe it was a bit much for the novice builder.
That honestly looks every bit as good as any of the ones I've done so I'd say you did perfectly!
Thanks so much for sharing!
If you don't mind me asking, what was the most difficult part? Was there anything that was confusing about the build or the tutorials? Anything that didn't really work in person like it seemed to in the tutorials? I'm always looking to improve so I welcome any feedback or criticism.
Sorry it has taken this long to respond.... I guess the best feedback I can give on the tutorials is that you should mention that the sharpie will bleed on the ball if you don’t have any paint on it. When you use the jigs to place the dots for drilling, use a really small dot as it will bleed a bit bigger. I originally filled in the circle on 2 of the dots to make sure I would see the entire center spot and boy did it bleed and get bigger. After that I just made really small dots for the center points. Also be very careful when drilling with the step bit... I had one accident where I ended up drilling to 22mm instead of 20, so I had some repairs to do. I think it came out great as a repair. You can’t even see that it was repaired (battle damage from actually using the remote with my lightsabers while practicing to be a Jedi).
Sorry it has taken this long to respond.... I guess the best feedback I can give on the tutorials is that you should mention that the sharpie will bleed on the ball if you don’t have any paint on it. When you use the jigs to place the dots for drilling, use a really small dot as it will bleed a bit bigger. I originally filled in the circle on 2 of the dots to make sure I would see the entire center spot and boy did it bleed and get bigger. After that I just made really small dots for the center points. Also be very careful when drilling with the step bit... I had one accident where I ended up drilling to 22mm instead of 20, so I had some repairs to do. I think it came out great as a repair. You can’t even see that it was repaired (battle damage from actually using the remote with my lightsabers while practicing to be a Jedi).

Thanks for the feedback!
Question, did you use a fine tip marker as described in the tutorials? and for the stepper bit, did you use the one suggested in the amazon list? I believe the one I use only goes up to 20mm and I set the depth on the drill press so that it stops at the proper size.
I will add annotations to the videos in these spots.
Thank you!
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