Trek xi t-shirt


Sr Member
HI all.

Where can I find on the web, some good replicas of the Star Trek 2009 movie Enterprise crew T-shirts ? (Red, blue or yellow)

There are a couple of threads in the costuming section on this topic already. Looks like the way to go right now is with the super deluxe rubies shirt, which isn't half bad. It has a few stinky details to it, but nothing you couldn't fix with a TINY bit of know how and a little time in the junkyard here.

If you're on a budget, even the cheapo rubies shirt isn't half bad, as they seem to have gotten the silk screen pattern down pretty well.

I think if you are going for a really accurate one, the trick is to buy an XXXXL rubies, and then modify it to fit you, and clean up the seams.

Good luck, and keep us posed on your progress.
There are a couple of threads in the costuming section on this topic already. Looks like the way to go right now is with the super deluxe rubies shirt, which isn't half bad. It has a few stinky details to it, but nothing you couldn't fix with a TINY bit of know how and a little time in the junkyard here.

If you're on a budget, even the cheapo rubies shirt isn't half bad, as they seem to have gotten the silk screen pattern down pretty well.

I think if you are going for a really accurate one, the trick is to buy an XXXXL rubies, and then modify it to fit you, and clean up the seams.

Good luck, and keep us posed on your progress.

Yessss....good idea here. Thanks Matt. I was looking at those Rubies BTW.

nice. too bad the shirts (aside from the alt. Kirk one) aren't long sleeve.

Yes, that's
There are a couple of threads in the costuming section on this topic already. Looks like the way to go right now is with the super deluxe rubies shirt, which isn't half bad. It has a few stinky details to it, but nothing you couldn't fix with a TINY bit of know how and a little time in the junkyard here.

If you're on a budget, even the cheapo rubies shirt isn't half bad, as they seem to have gotten the silk screen pattern down pretty well.

I think if you are going for a really accurate one, the trick is to buy an XXXXL rubies, and then modify it to fit you, and clean up the seams.

Good luck, and keep us posed on your progress.

Yessss....good idea here. Thanks Matt. I was looking at those Rubies BTW.

nice. too bad the shirts (aside from the alt. Kirk one) aren't long sleeve.

Yes, that's the problem with those models !!! I'm surprised that Rodd didn't made some better replicas T-shirts.