Total $ value of Star Wars?


Sr Member
So while driving my daughter's 15yo Volleyball team home, I made a SW reference that nobody understood. My daughter said, "Dad, you are the only one who knows what Star Wars is"
Hmmm, what would be the total financial value of the SW franchise? bedsheets, cereal, movies, dvds, laserdisks, vhs, special edition vhs, widescreen vhs, toys...
Gotta be well north of $3 billion by now....

That's total sales of all the licensed **** plus movie tickets and sales of the movies on all released video formats.

George Lucas is one rich **** many times over!

By the mid-1980s, it had been estimated that Star Wars had grossed at least $1.2 billion... Over half that was on licensed goods. Most money being made on the toys and T-shirts. The statistic I read was 2/3 of the gross was on the licensed materials.

Then Star Wars was dead for about 6 years until the first Timothy Zahn SW novel got released... From 1992 onwards, it's been nonstop pretty much like Star Trek was from 1987 to 2002.

Like Star Trek 9 years ago, SW badly needs a break. All the prequel nonsense and Clone Wars crap has really lowered the series to basic C-line (serial) movie nonsense in the worst sense...

I don't think you can honestly make the argument with a straight face that Lucas hasn't turned into a cynical movie mogul who in the end doesn't care about the end product that much. His attitude has been reinforced by suck-ups and Yes-Men that populate his company.

There's also a huge generation of kids who wouldn't know good if it smacked them in the face. They just eat up all this Clone Wars and Prequel nonsense. I had a lot more sense about what was good and bad when I was their age... I knew Dr. Seuss was a lot better than Dick and Jane! Don't even get me started on Barnie and the Tween shows that pass for entertainment now...!
So while driving my daughter's 15yo Volleyball team home, I made a SW reference that nobody understood. My daughter said, "Dad, you are the only one who knows what Star Wars is"
Hmmm, what would be the total financial value of the SW franchise? bedsheets, cereal, movies, dvds, laserdisks, vhs, special edition vhs, widescreen vhs, toys...

I see where you're going with this, but your point is defeated when you realize its the same group of aging guys buying all this crap. :lol
^Try telling that to the nine-year-old girl next door to my parents' place! She's obsessed with SW, plus she calls walkers 'walkers' - none of this atat nonsense! Some cool kid. She drools over my SS X-wing, but her favourite ship is the Falcon.
I've only been collectng for the past couple year not colllecting anymore but I have so much stuff like the 30th Anniversary Diaoramas like the Swing to Freedom with Luke and Leia and the other two I think one is called the Final Duel with Vader and Obi-Wan and there's another one that I'm forgetting. I've given away most of it but still have a lot of my old collection.
What? Someone does not know what Star Wars is?! That's criminal. Perhaps you should have hit the breaks at that moment and stated...Thus sayeth George...Thee must now walk the rest of the way.

Perhaps I am just confused.
Total value to most 15 year old girls?


Well they can judge how nerdy a boy is by just hearing the words. That is about all. LOL!

I think the teens and 20-somethings of todays missed out. The 13 and younger and late 20's and older are in a completely different category when it comes to these movies. I know a LOT of young kids that are into it as big as I was.
^Try telling that to the nine-year-old girl next door to my parents' place! She's obsessed with SW, plus she calls walkers 'walkers' - none of this atat nonsense! Some cool kid. She drools over my SS X-wing, but her favourite ship is the Falcon.
Does your falcon bring all the girls to the yard?
I am seventeen years old, and I love the original trilogy, none of that crapped out for the kiddies prequel stuff. I have not and will not ever accept that crapquels as true Star Wars movies. Anyone who says otherwise... I'll respectfully disagree. :)
i think there was a girl in the crowd during the debriefing and one of the rebel soldiers on endor

and didnt a woman play the emperor in empire strikes back?
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i think there was a girl in the crowd during the debriefing and one of the rebel soldiers on endor

and didnt a woman play the emperor in empire strikes back?

Yes. It actually ended up being Rick Baker's wife, as a last minute fill-in for the original elderly actress. There are pics in Ritzler's new ESB book.
I think the teens and 20-somethings of todays missed out. The 13 and younger and late 20's and older are in a completely different category when it comes to these movies. I know a LOT of young kids that are into it as big as I was.

Yep. Including my kids. It's absolutely huge with younger kids thanks to the prequels. That's one positive thing you can say about them. ;)