Top Gun: Flight Suit Up!


New Member
I know, it's an easy one, but I haven't had much to post here so far, and you guys have taught me so much, I felt I should try and repay you a little.
So here are a couple of pictures of my Maverick Flight Suit (And my housemate's Goose) to show my appreciation for all the fine work you guys do, I tried to go as screen accurate as possible on my meagre budget, and yet still keep it party friendly.



Let me know what you think...
Shave that stubble and cut that hair lieutenant! Your a US Naval Officer! ;)

Gold frame RayBan aviators or current military issue sunglasses would go a long way to up it a notch.
I wish I could afford Ray Bans, the aviators I am wearing in the picture are from a military surplus shop. I will keep an eye out for some more movie accurate ones for future wearing.

Also, for your amusement, my completely inaccurate transformer costume, built over the course of one evening (and painted quickly the next morning) in order to have it ready for partying.

(Unfortunately I lost the right leg in a robot race mere minutes before this film was taken)
I know the chest patches look weird, but they are accurate as far as I could tell at the time. The flight suit was all done a few years ago before I knew of the RPF. If I were to do it again it would be to a far more exacting standard.
Oh, and btw the (horribly distorted) transformers pic is a link to a video, click on it to see me TRANSFORM!
Great costume, this site is great, I got lots of ideas on the ones I did (pics attached) Maverick and Goose

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only downside was the triangle patch for goose, almost imposible to find the one he wore in the movie, so I got the closest I could find.

also... transformer costume was awesome as well!