Tony Stark's cell phone prop Iron Man


Master Member
I bought a dummy phone and added the little "camera lense" and the green screen material. What do you think? This cost me $26 to do.


Not bad, you should get a naked pic of "The Dude" and stick it in there lol

TOTALLY! You should be able to round up a nice hi-def screen cap of that scene, print it out, and load it in. That would be awesome-er.

Oh, and be a sport and post the cell model number, will ya? :)
Thanks, yeah The Dude idea would be funny.

The cell model is a Verizon LG VX-9400.

Wow just found this thread while going on an Iron Man prop binge. Do you have a link to the dummy phone site?
If it's a dummy Verizon phone, it's one of the phones you see on display in the stores; basically just a shell with no internals to speak of (no fear of losing $$$ phones should someone decide to smash and grab the displays). You may be able to hit up your local Verizon dealer and see if they'd be willing to part with one I'd wager...
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Couldn't resist. I just bought one for 28.00 shipped.
Thanks for the heads up, bro. :thumbsup
If you do a little printed out screen of Stane for yours, you gotta hook a brotha up!
Looks like you got a better deal than me, Funky... mine was a whopping twenty-NINE dollars shipped.. lol. I didn't realize these were that cheap, especially ones like this that can be used for replicas.