Thunderbirds 65 Documentary Video (3 brand new episodes have been made)


Well-Known Member
If this has been posted already I apologize, if not please enjoy!
Apparently in 2015 a company decided to recreate 3 new Thunderbirds episodes by using 3 stories (previously released on vinyl record only) as the soundtracks.
All the sets, models and puppets had to be recreated from scratch.

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Yep! It was funded through Kickstarter.
I just received my BluRay the other day and will be watching it tonight.

This is so unbelievably fantastic. It sounds like a fan project, but the professionalism that went into it is beyond anything that I have ever seen in a similar project before.

Not one "tribute" project really nailed the look of a vintage show. Yes, I am looking at you, Star Trek fan projects!

I just wish that there were german dubbed versions available so I could show them to my son.

Oh, and I believe that barrie Davis is an RPF member, isn´t he?
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I stumbled onto the Kickstarter project too late but have my fingers crossed that these episodes will be come available to the general public someday soon.
I wonder why they didn't use the same method for audio as the original. They would run the audio through the solenoid so the lip movements would be in direct sync.
I wondered that too.
I think it's because, with the original, they had the isolated voice tracks for the solenoid to react to.
The soundtracks they used here were already mixed with music and sound fx which would mess up the signal to the solenoid.

I didn't really see any of this puppet stuff from Anderson until I was in my thirties,I did and do like it but really it reminds me a lot of the Japanese giant monster movies,the one thing being very different is the puppets but the sets,explosions,vehicles all could be mistaken for a Toho movie.

Which is why I'd watch this,it's fun.
I saw the series when it first came out and was amazed at the technology they came up with. There was a particular scene where a machine laid down black-top with the lines already laid with it. It was a huge machine. I did happen to find a video. For some reason I never forgot that scene. I hadn't seen the episode since then. I do think they were far superior to the Japanese movies in this respect. My son and I were watching an old Japanese movie some years back and it was clearly visible they were using the "green army men", with the round platforms they stand on, riding on the military vehicles. It was hilarious. Oh, another thing I rather enjoyed was how many buildings would move underground. They took this idea and put it into the UFO series.
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