The results of my graflex fever....(PICS)


Sr Member
Well guys, heres the result of the incurable graflex fever.

From right to left. C8+ original graflex top and clamp...
parks button, and parks glass eyes, parks bottom (which will be drilled)
(does the circuit board look original to anyone else? I didnt think blast-tech offered silver lined boards???)
A C9+ completley original graflex. Got it last week on ebay for 125.00 BIN. (converted)

A parks graflex, with a 2 cell bottom on it. Im willing to trade the complete parks graflex for a MPP replica.

A Wadayada ROTJ saber, made from GRAFLEX REBORN tops and bottoms, asymetrical botls, holes in the handle....I got this two years ago and Im hard up to find any difference in this one and the MR version.

Anyway, fellow graflex fans, welcome...the esb version is a WIP. expect a JY thread soon for parts I dont need to fund the ones I DO need. ;)
Nice collection :thumbsup I was watching that same Graflex auction on ebay. It looks like a nice one.

I am working on an ESB Luke conversion myself. I am trying to work up the courage to drill the holes for the grips in a mint Garflex tube. I may do what you did and apply the grips first then when they are all aligned perfectly drill the holes using the grips as a guide. I already removed the beer tab and rivet but that was easy.

Nice collection :thumbsup I was watching that same Graflex auction on ebay. It looks like a nice one.

I am working on an ESB Luke conversion myself. I am trying to work up the courage to drill the holes for the grips in a mint Garflex tube. I may do what you did and apply the grips first then when they are all aligned perfectly drill the holes using the grips as a guide. I already removed the beer tab and rivet but that was easy.

thanks :)
Actually, the bottom on the ESB is the parks ANH version, so it has seven grips instead of six...but that does sound like a good idea on how to screw them down. Im kinda wanting to do the small black screws on top of the grips too!
Well guys, heres the result of the incurable graflex fever.

From right to left. C8+ original graflex top and clamp...
parks button, and parks glass eyes, parks bottom (which will be drilled)
(does the circuit board look original to anyone else? I didnt think blast-tech offered silver lined boards???)
A C9+ completley original graflex. Got it last week on ebay for 125.00 BIN. (converted)

A parks graflex, with a 2 cell bottom on it. Im willing to trade the complete parks graflex for a MPP replica.

A Wadayada ROTJ saber, made from GRAFLEX REBORN tops and bottoms, asymetrical botls, holes in the handle....I got this two years ago and Im hard up to find any difference in this one and the MR version.

Anyway, fellow graflex fans, welcome...the esb version is a WIP. expect a JY thread soon for parts I dont need to fund the ones I DO need. ;)

Great! I know, I've got two original Graflex's (the two top ones). One of them getting gutted and Luxeon LED/bladed with sound. Still would like a replica bottom to drill holes in the bottom for sound.

Then have the Master Replica Luke ANH in full scale and a .45 version.

I heard about screwing grips on. That was not done in ANH right? Not till the next movie did they have rear rivets or screws installed on the grips?

Yep, nice deal on that one you got!
Great! I know, I've got two original Graflex's (the two top ones). One of them getting gutted and Luxeon LED/bladed with sound. Still would like a replica bottom to drill holes in the bottom for sound.

Then have the Master Replica Luke ANH in full scale and a .45 version.

I heard about screwing grips on. That was not done in ANH right? Not till the next movie did they have rear rivets or screws installed on the grips?

Yep, nice deal on that one you got!

Yes only the ESB had rivets/screws. Im talking about the version of the ESB saber that had black phillip head screws at the top of the grips.

If I cant trade the parks graflex for a mpp replica, its destiny also lies with LUXEON. ;)
Here's what I got


All real, but I think the 3 cell in the middle may have a repro glass eye. I have all genuine parts to make a Luke ANH, but I've just been too lazy to convert one. I'm keeping one of the spare clamps for an Obi, then I'll probably sell the rest of the stuff.
Hello, no response to past PMs, after I sent u the tracking number for the MPP you were going to ship out the graflex (this was supposed to happen yesterday
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