The prisoner


Well-Known Member
Did anyone catch the AMC mini-series "The Prisoner"? I thought It was well done and a source for some good props.
Did anyone catch the AMC mini-series "The Prisoner"? I thought It was well done and a source for some good props.

It got a LOT of negative reviews from the media but I actually liked it... especially the ending. I thought it was an interesting spin on the show, and I did like a lot of the winks/nods at the original.

It was very well made, well acted.
It captured an atmosphere very well.

It wasn't as intellectually compelling as I was hoping.
I had guessed pretty much where it was going about half way through, and disappointed many "clues" were nothing really necessary to figure it out. Just false paths and distractions, maybe that was the intent though.

It needed a little Rod Serling type writing I think considering where they decided to diverge from the original.

But I did like it.
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I had it all recorded and was getting ready for a marathon viewing when our crappy comcast DVR blew up!
I liked most of the production design, but didn't care for the show.
I am a fan of the original though.

I have a village ID card from San Diego Comic Con that's surprisingly accurate to the show. They made custom photo ID's and assigned people numbers. I'm number 323.