Wouldn't scare me one bit... one shot to the head and he'd be dead, as the Fedayen was not made of steel, but rather fiberglass, iirc. NO PROTECTION at all.Mate, don't feel like a fool, it's a logical assumption.
Hussein wanted to instil fear during his regime and the ultimate baddie is Vader, so that's where his design came from. The Fedayeen also wore black balaclava's with the helmets sometimes, imagine that coming at you with an SMG or an assault rifle :ninja It would scare the crap outta me.
The other thing they shared with Vader is they didn't see it coming
To Topic:
I think vaders dome was inspired by the german steel helmets in ww2.
I don't think so....it's fairly well documented that when Lucas visulaized Vader in the beginning that he was looking for a Bedouin type figure with long flowing robes/capes and a Samaurai type helmet.[/b]
The imperial officer uniforms do remind me of a german military organization (dont misunderstand please...I know Star Wars has nothing to do with the third reich)...I mean the used riding boots, grey uniforms and this grey caps.