Hi Jedi Dave,
We made our eyes for the project that I posted about today.
The eyes were where I started...and it was a nightmare to get any real info.
I was in contact with the company that made the eyes for the movie and was quoted a few hundred pounds more than I was interested in paying...I supply the artwork. So I hopped on the cnc lathe...made the form and the molds for the inner and outer eye form and made the eyes. Based on the amount of time to get the eyes finished and polished the quote I was given was fair...but a waste if you can do the work yourself.
As far as the size I spoke with one of Stuart's colleagues during the making of the original product and he mentioned the eyes were "in and around" 1.5" o.d. I machined the inner eye form to 1.375" and the outer eye form to and o.d. of 1.5".
Your request for "no guessing" might be a bit hopefull considering I was building ours based on the information given by one of the people who built the real deal...and he was "guessing" at a number of the finer points. I was shocked...but then if you figure that this was 20 someodd years ago, and a pressure cooker job situation, I am sure every tiny little detail wasnt recorded. That episode of saturday night live with william shatner at the convention always puts me in my place in situations like that.
As far as the graphics there is always the debate about green or brown. I was going for the empire look. Based on the countless ref. pics I found on the net, a couple of trips to the lucas archive display, the conversation with one of the makers of the original, and staring at the tv, I settled on more of a brown color, with hints of green. It really depends on what refs you use. The cgi yoda is very green compared to the animatronic puppet of empire, which is surprisingly brown when you get right down to it. (check out the screen grab)
One last thing to note is that although acrylic eyes give some depth straight out of the mold...you can do a bit of paint work to the surface AFTER polishing on the lathe which can really enhances the look.
I will post some pics of the eyes with the skin on. Alone they look cool, but in context with the skin in really helps to sell them.
Hope that helps.