The Nine Gates to the Kingdom of Shadows


Sr Member
I going to start work on a copy of the "Nine Gates to the Kingdom of Shadows" from the movie the ninth gate soon

I was wondering if anyone knew a good source for leather for the covers

and any good book binding and paper aging tutorials
You are going to have a hard time beating the run that was done just after the movie came out.

Mine STILL gets questions when people notice it on my shelf!!!
Well, on my other laptop (a Gateway), I had a page bookmarked with a tutorial on how to make the Ninth Gate book, which also included a text film you could download and use to print out to fill the book's pages with text (it was some sort of greek text of some sort, I think), but I can't remember how to get to the site again.

Honestly, I'm surprised that out of all the books, that people didn't make all three copies of the Ninth Gate, since (from what I recall from watching the film last), they were all "official" copies.
Well, on my other laptop (a Gateway), I had a page bookmarked with a tutorial on how to make the Ninth Gate book, which also included a text film you could download and use to print out to fill the book's pages with text (it was some sort of greek text of some sort, I think), but I can't remember how to get to the site again.

Honestly, I'm surprised that out of all the books, that people didn't make all three copies of the Ninth Gate, since (from what I recall from watching the film last), they were all "official" copies.

Some one did, name just escapes me now. He is a member here and did great work. Even had the original artist make him prints. And he made all three (or at least all the different copies of the prints.).

The test is Latin giberish.

I'll take pics of mine in a few hours, but I think the original thread may be in the archives.
Heh I feel much better now about starting this project :lol

But its one of those things I wanna try on my own even if its not a hundred percent screen accurate

I think the page your talking about CB2001 is the same where i got the book pages and woodcuts from

any information on a good leather source for the covers and the tutorials would be a great help

and any help on how to do a resonable screen accurate binding would be apperciated

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I think the page your talking about CB2001 is the same where i got the book pages and woodcuts from

any information on a good leather source for the covers and the tutorials would be a great help

and any help on how to do a resonable screen accurate binding would be apperciated


Well, I know the page was for a website where the user also made replica of another book. I can't recall what the other book was, but I know he/she had used the same text for both books, because they were suppose to be older texts.

For screen accurate bookbinding, I can't help out. But I do know there are tutorials on bookbinding in general at the Blog for MakeZine and Instructables (which includes one on how to bookbind a journal with BSG-style missing corners). Some of them may include where to get leather.
this is why i joined the RPF

no matter what someone ask someone will always point you in a good direction :)

if anyone else can offer more detailed help its more then appreciated
That's Mike Haspil's website. His RPF id is Rogue428. The books from his one and only run many years ago are what I would call the be all and end all of Nine Gates replicas. His books were bound by the same lady who bound the screen used books for the movie. The tooling work on the covers are simply exquisite.
That's Mike Haspil's website. His RPF id is Rogue428. The books from his one and only run many years ago are what I would call the be all and end all of Nine Gates replicas. His books were bound by the same lady who bound the screen used books for the movie. The tooling work on the covers are simply exquisite.

And that's the site I remember! I remember it was a Necromonicon he had, which apparently is the H.P. Lovecraft version of the book. I remember that.
That's Mike Haspil's website. His RPF id is Rogue428. The books from his one and only run many years ago are what I would call the be all and end all of Nine Gates replicas. His books were bound by the same lady who bound the screen used books for the movie. The tooling work on the covers are simply exquisite.

Thanks! It was a wonderful project too!! I just could not remember his name! (Dohh!!)
I've been thinking of making one of these for a long time, got the pages and woodcuts thanks to Kalkamel, but I don't really know how I'm going to print it. To be screen accurate, you have to print the pages on 11x17 inch paper, and I just don't have a printer that can do that. Plus, each individual page then has to be put into signatures and lined up. I did that for a hero grail diary and for a doctor who prop book, and it'll be a long time before I do so for a book twice as thick as both of those books combined. Not to mention that the ink to print one of these books in high res would probably run you (or at least me with my printer) close to $200. Despite my desire to make it myself, this is one of those situations where I'll probably one day end up saving myself the stress by buying one from Kalkamel.
I saved myself the trouble by sending the pages to a professional binder. They'll sew the pages up and bind them and add the cover details. Sure, their services are pricey (part of the reason why my books are priced as such), but at the end of the day, quality is assured.

The one in the JY will probably be my last Nine Gates for a while (unless there's sufficient interest for a run) as I'm starting a run for Rorschach's Journal soon... just waiting on the prototype. :)
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I was wondering a few things

1. what are the actual dimensions of the book

(cause Mikes site says 6.5" by 10" by 1.25" thick is this correct?)

2. what supplies should I have in order to bound the book

3. whats the best why to bound

4. whats the easiest why to do the pentagram on the cover