The lost HUNTERS



Images are from the library of larry kid. Larry gave me permission to post a few images from his personal collection for all of you .

what can you say about these images??...well say it!!!!! they are the best images of the creatures as they were being created in the SW shop. legend has it that they all wound up in the dumpster. I almost got emotional when i heard that

Enjoy and you see, there is no right way to create a predator just DO IT . For a predator fan it doesn't get any better than this

Big TIME thanks to larry again for letting me share these with ya

#$%$ ^%^ ^$^ !# @##@&%$#$!!!!!@!@!!!! I LOVE this kinda $h17!! POst the all!!!! GREAT find!!!!
That's the BEST movie pic I've ever seen for our costume research!

I don't recognize that helmet on the far left Pred.
All sorts of different styled armor, with most having P2 shins, the pony-tail one has no dred rings...I'm going crazy here!
all shapes and sizes and colors, just like all of us. get your airbrushes ready
I just fainted....gimme a second to get my eyeballs back into their sockets.

Holy !@##~ !

Thanks Larry, Drew, for the pics...I can die now...

At the end of P2 I remember a couple of the Preds had no armor gauntlets at all, and I see a couple there!
This is definitely my favorite pic to date. THE DUMPSTER!!!!!!!!!!! AAGHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!
Love the full upper armor on the 2nd Pred from the right. Also ya notice the spear leaning next to the middle one. Cool.
Wow thanks alot Kithunter those pics are great great for referencenow i have more ideas for armor...i love the goodies Thanks a bunch Kithunter
give props to the man, not me larry kidd. they are from his library not mine, i've only been drooling over them ever since i met him.
I told him i would never post them on the interent without his expressed approval first.

Since all of you are working on different themed preds i thought these behind the scene shots would give everyone a fresh run of ideas and paint schemes to explore. since we really can't "SEE" them at the end of of Predator 2 these are the first clear shots of all the suits i've ever seen

The worst thing we could do at dragon con is all look the same. So i'm sure all of you will be inspecting these images at much closer detail for the next few months ...
man one day i got to get around to making a foam latex suit im sure its a HUGE differance
ok, that's it, I'm going to be a sanitation engineer somewhere close to a prop studio on the weekends.

WOW those are cool. Thanks Larry for allowing the Kithunter to post these for us.

I can't beleive they threw them in a DUMPSTER!!!!!!
would ya look at the cod peice on the second one, I've not seen that before. ugh, I'm gonna be sick, A DUMPSTER!!!!

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