THE LOSERS - Clay's black suit?


New Member
Can anyone tell me what label/brand/type of suit that was? The one he wears with an open-collared white shirt

you should post a few pictures of the suit you are talking about, since it seems that not too many people have seen the movie or know the suit.

RPF staff
this one?

So.........what do most people do in this forum? The alternative, of course, is that no one gives a rat's patoot about my dilemma ;)
the actual alternative is that no-one knows what it is, and you're being unnessecarily rude.

its most likely bespoke. as in made to fit. the shirt looks cotton and a fairly nice make, and the jacket looks wool.
Its basically a two button blazer,should be easy to find, Check Kohls or any of the online stores on E-Bay. I have several like that from City Street but I dont know if they make them any longer. Its a common style your only problem would be matching the cloth, which looks to be a fine weave.