The Kennedy miniseries

But just in America. It ran on other History Channels internationally. Just your usual TV politics snowjob.

I love that when Greg Kinnear was asked for a comment, he laughed and said, "I got paid."
lol. I think someone in the US was going to broadcast it. I forget who though. It'll be on history channel international at some point.
I heard it wasn't the best but it just irks me that something historical doesn't get carried by the station who made it and is supposed to show this stuff. Apparently it had too much history and not enough BS lol.
the problem with the series is that it tries to be too clever in the plotting and has a ton of flashbacks which just end up irritating the hell out of you. what they should have done was go for a linear plotline, instead it leaps around all over the blooming place.

katie holmes got a lot of stick for her part as Jackie but to be honest, the character is barely there. it's okay but it could have been so much better.

as to the kennedy clan using their muscle to try and stop this program being shown. boring. nothing in that program that isn't true, about kennedys womanising, his medication, his poor health etc. these are things that have been known for a long time.

they should grow up a bit and accept that the truth always gets out there eventually. IMHO it doesn't diminish kennedy as a president but it gives him context. he was still an amazing public speaker, he had ambitions and lofty goals. the whole maketh the man, not the edited version the kennedys would want us to swallow.
I missed the days of yore when the History channel showed educational historical programs where you could actually learn things - not the crap reality shows they air now and the 'history based' prorgams that basically start and end at elementary school level.
the problem with the series is that it tries to be too clever in the plotting and has a ton of flashbacks which just end up irritating the hell out of you. what they should have done was go for a linear plotline, instead it leaps around all over the blooming place.

katie holmes got a lot of stick for her part as Jackie but to be honest, the character is barely there. it's okay but it could have been so much better.

as to the kennedy clan using their muscle to try and stop this program being shown. boring. nothing in that program that isn't true, about kennedys womanising, his medication, his poor health etc. these are things that have been known for a long time.

they should grow up a bit and accept that the truth always gets out there eventually. IMHO it doesn't diminish kennedy as a president but it gives him context. he was still an amazing public speaker, he had ambitions and lofty goals. the whole maketh the man, not the edited version the kennedys would want us to swallow.

Personally I prefer a president with flaws. Presidents always get this spit shine from their PR department and media so it's nice to see that they're still human. Reagan proved that by taking those bullets, clinton for womanizing, Bush Sr for barfing on the Japanese guy, and Bush II for...well being himself. :lol It's not like the history channel was out to slander him and it couldn't have been any worse than a movie based on Teddy's life. I agree that Historical stuff has no room on the normal history channel.
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