The Four Stages of the Dagobah Decapitation of Darth Vader

Too Much Garlic

Master Member
Just to get my mind on something more constructive.

The rolling helmet:

The stationary - blank helmet:

Blow up helmet 1 - with Hamill lifecast inside:

Blow up helmet 2 - with Hamill inside:

The rolling helmet we all know look like this:
Re: The Four Stages of the Dagobah Decapitation of Vader

Somebody should make one of those complete with a Hamill head inside. Kinda morbid, but a nice obscure conversation starter for sure:lol
Re: The Four Stages of the Dagobah Decapitation of Vader

A cool scene and a great prop!, are there any pics of the helmet with the head in it?, the actual prop
Re: The Four Stages of the Dagobah Decapitation of Vader

Yeah, if anyone has any additional pictures of these it would be cool to see them.
Re: The Four Stages of the Dagobah Decapitation of Vader

They are out there, the ones I have I was asked not to share (you have no idea how much I hate to say that :unsure)

Also the original make up head made from the same lifecast I used was on display at C4 and should be easy shots to find online or maybe someone could post ones they've taken even though the request was for production shots.

Oh, snap! Well then....still a cool thing to have. I can see it now, friends over for tea and biscuits. What is THAT??? Oh, that would be my Hamill/Vader decapitated head from Dagobah...more tea?

You know, it doesnt get alot of attention and alot of people see it because it is the only prop I have displayed...I see them looking and they pretend its not there like I'm some sort of serial killer....its actually pretty funny.
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Re: The Four Stages of the Dagobah Decapitation of Vader

Ah hell... I'm okay with not limiting things to production shots and I do understand the need to honor requests for keeping things private.

Any info and pictures on these various stages would be cool.

Personally, my main interest has always been what I dubbed the rolling helmet in this thread... as ever since I saw that picture I absolutely fell in love with that helmet. So awesome. Heck... even HD equivalents of the pictures I posted would be cool.
Re: The Four Stages of the Dagobah Decapitation of Vader

finally found a couple online of just the head, there not mine so i don't want to just post them, pm me if you need them or as stated just put in celebration 4 prop and you should find it.
Re: The Four Stages of the Dagobah Decapitation of Vader

Izzit just me, or from a "just cut off the body with a lazer sword" perspective, the neckline of the mask is just a bit too, say, undamaged to a realistic extent?
Re: The Four Stages of the Dagobah Decapitation of Vader

Try some old used book stores for good reference photos. I remember that I had a couple of large hard cover ESB picture books and the decapitation scene was in there. Now I wish I still had those books.
Re: The Four Stages of the Dagobah Decapitation of Vader

I'm sorta surprised that with all the people having the HD versions of these movies that it is still so difficult to get HD shots posted.
Re: The Four Stages of the Dagobah Decapitation of Vader

Izzit just me, or from a "just cut off the body with a lazer sword" perspective, the neckline of the mask is just a bit too, say, undamaged to a realistic extent?
That's what I always thought. But, hey, it's just a dream or whatever. ;)
Re: The Four Stages of the Dagobah Decapitation of Vader

I'm sorta surprised that with all the people having the HD versions of these movies that it is still so difficult to get HD shots posted.

I guess I could do that?! Is there interest in this? I should resurect my old screen caps thread ...
I would be interested in any and all shots you can get of the rolling helmet. Pretty please. You'll be my hero for a whole month.
I got the face cast that Vadermonkey used direct from a plasterer that worked on ESB. It had sat in his office for 30 years. Cool!

I have a shot of the face in the archives somewhere...