The Creature Walks Amoung Us...

well paid killer

Well-Known Member
This is my finished Mark Alfrey life size Creature from the Black Lagoon. It came to me raw in black fiberglass. My best friend Chris Jones (fettpride) did all the finishing work and truly did an amazing job. From clean up to paint including some really cool mods, he finished this for me in record time. The arms have been fiberglassed in place and check out the eyes!! He actually added lenses over the pupils to give it a little more pop. Definitely the kind of piece that you don't get the full appreciation for until standing in front of it. The pics don't give the best representation of his true colors as you can see they very from pic to pic but you get the idea... This sucker stands 6'7 and is no doubt the highlight of my entire lifesize collection.

Those of you that know Fettpride are well aware of the struggle his family has been through this past year. The fact that he carved out the small chunk of time to do this means the world to me. Thanks Chris! Please DONATE!





Heres a shot taken outside in natural light which is much closer to its actual color...

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Beautiful piece.
Would love to have that in my living room.

There is a guy in San Diego that made a costume.
I got to try on the upper part and ComiCon a few years ago.

Beautifull, I am very jealous, its the one piece I would love to have.
That's completely awesome. I've passed up buying one of these due to my own financial shortcomings but I want one SO bad. I LOVE the creature... my absolute, #1 favorite classic monster movie.
If I ever get the money to finish my koi pond, I want one of those lurking by the waterfall! :love

Thanks very much for the great resposes!! I agree Steve, definitely one of the ultimate movie monster suits of all time. In fact, we probably wouldn't have many of our other favorites without it.
Wow, that thing must look extremely menacing in person!

Also my fav classic horror charcter, looks fantastic! I'm "green" with envy! (I know, terrible)
That was the first movie I saw in 3D. Had to be about 1976-7 on television. You had to go to the supermarket to get your glasses. Actually, as memory serves me correctly, it was around this time in August.

That is a great suit you have there.
