The Clone Wars Jedi General Armor Project

Yeah good thing you thought of it. I was able to get the bondo sanded and shaped tonight. Got some holes to fill and it needs one more skim coat of filler. Have it done tomorrow night. Then primer and then silicon on Saturday.
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Do I see the wrist communicator on the workbench there?

Ha, yeah sharp eye. We're working on that. That was a quick scratch build I did last week while waiting for some glue to dry. After looking at screen grabs and comparing it to the size of my gauntlets it's not the right size and lacks some details. We wanna get it as accurate as we can. We got this shot from Episode 18:


Donny has a better HD grab I'm hoping he'll share. It shows the details a lot better. We learned that there's the donut shaped green light on the front and a smaller raised platform section under it. The middle has grooves that are reminiscent to the Gillette razor grip in TPM. and then there's the grey raised button on the back end.

I did a quick low res 3D model on Saturday night. It's not correct or to scale. I am still working on how large it needs to be. I got a couple washers to use for the green button and I will build out from there once I figure out what size seems best.

I saw a shadow in that HD grab on the bottom of the raised section. If it was an inset there's be no shadow. That's what leads me to believe it's a step.
Look at the source of the light and the placement of the shadow. If the disc was raised, there would either be no shadow or you'd be able to see the whole raised lip. Instead, you only see a shadow on a portion of the raised disc and it matches the direction of the light. Try changing your 3d model and match the light source of the screen shot.

Yeah after looking at it again last night I think you're right. I've been staring at that fuzzy online screen grab and it was messing with my rods and cones.

Here's the new version I whipped up this morning while waiting on a render at work:


The bondo work is done on the Anakin shoulder prototype. It's primered but needs more sanding on the face. There's some deep scratches left from the 80 grit I used to knock down the bondo.


I'll finish up the work on it tomorrow night.


I worked on getting the measurements and proportions done on the compad tonight. Drew it up in vector. Once it gets tweaked I'm hoping Tony can laser cut it.


It's 1" wide by 2.5" long overall. 1/8" main height. The inset is 1/16" high and the back button is 1/32" tall.

How does that look to everyone?
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Donny said he thought the compad looked a little short so I decided to do some research. I redrew the compad in vector with a length of 2.75" instead of 2.5" The scallops are thicker to show what size they'd be in the final.



I'm not sure what looks better. I still lean towards 2.5", the 2.75" still looks too long to me. So I printed them out on paper, cut them out, and taped them to my ganutlets to get a better idea of the size.


Compare it to this:

Verdict? Comments? Changes? I'm leaning still towards the 2.5"
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You think so? I know it seems longer in the show but at the same time no one's forearms are that long and thin. I like the way the 2.5" looks in proportion to my gauntlets.

Anakin shoulder prototype is done! Spot filled and finished sanded tonight. Got a couple coats of primer and it's looking nice and smoov. The primer will cure tomorrow night and I'll brush on some silicon on Saturday.
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