Ha ha, yeah that's a good line, right after eh said nnnnno! (I think)
That's the only prop I could see, found and interesting article about the street at Universal's Backlot where The Burbs was shot, must see if I can find it again...
Did you know it's the same street Desperate Housewives is now shot in?, and a fair bit of it is still the same, Rumsfield's house is the house from Deep Impact and also Suzan Meyer's house in DH... played by Terri Hatcher of course! Speaking of which, I know it's not the right place but anyone here interested in owning a BIG film reel of Tomorrow Never dies? 35mm Cinema Reel...
Get digging folks, see what's out there from The Burbs, I wonder where the spire from the Klopeks house ended up (apart from through a cop car)