The Adjustment Bureau

Looks interesting, classical love story mixed with fantasy, nice! It´s like Harry met Sally mixed with Dark City, momo, and a few others. Or are the Watchers from Fringe now into romance? :lol
Looks interesting, classical love story mixed with fantasy, nice! It´s like Harry met Sally mixed with Dark City, momo, and a few others. Or are the Watchers from Fringe now into romance? :lol

When I saw the first preview, I thought of Dark City immediately.
And give the Conspiracy people Ala Inception, something to dissect and try to apply to real life for the next few months/years. Joy.
I caught a prescreening of "The Adjustment Bureau" last night here on campus. They crammed 450 of us in a lecture hall, but I thoroughly enjoyed this film. It's got great action sequences, there are some really funny parts and to sweeten the deal the romantic plot so you can drag your significant other along if you want lol.

0neiros, you are exactly right. I can't tell you how many of us walked out of the theater commenting on how the plot could apply to our own lives. It was really fun.
there was a twilight zone with christopher titus which was almost the same thing......he discovered people were running his life, so he fought against was a good episode
Just watched this film. very very very well done. Some may not like it, but i thoroughly enjoyed it. I even think there's a few replicas in there I would like to make for myself. I recommend it! now im off to read the short story..:)
I've been wanting to check this out, it's a very interesting story. The way things go in life, especially mine, it feels like the adjustment bureau is real, LOL.
Not too shabby. The build up took a bit, but I was into it once the Adjustment Bureau really became involved.
i went and saw it tonight as well. very good movie! much more love story than i was expecting but it fit in well and was nice. plus that lets me play it off like it was one of "her" movies, which will come in handy when i try and drag her to go see one of "my" movies.
i know it was a love story but the pacing of the movie always kept my focus on the bureau and it was so fast paced it kept me interested till the very end. in some odd way, the characters from the bureau reminded me of the "Nevermen" which were from a Guy Davis limited comic.
the love story is the basis for the entire movie. it completely revolves around the love story. BUT, its not so overpowering that its unwatchable... its more of a guy movie with a love story, than a girl movie with weird things going on.
Just got back from the theater, and I thoroughly enjoyed The Adjustment Bureau. :thumbsup

I rather liked the dialogue that suggested a larger organization. It's great when filmmakers' add those little touches that color in the corners of the world they're presenting.
They finally did it! They made a chick-flick disguised as a sci-fi movie!

Saw it tonight, and enjoyed it. It wasn't until I was walking out to the car that it hit me... crap! I just saw a chick-flick!
Very good film. Enjoyed immensely. Enjoyed the premise of the film and I'll be sure to pick it up once its released on Blu-Ray.
First time in along time that the whole theater appluaded at the end. Was one of the better films I've seen in awhile!