Terminator: Genisys

When Kyle Reese is explaining about the future to Silberman, he says something to the effect of "their defence nets were smashed, they lost, we won, killing John then would accomplish nothing, only by sending a terminator back in time and preventing John from being born would prevent skynet from failing."

Each film has followed the same basic pattern, skynet looses, but sends back a terminator with knowledge of the timeline in order to create a new timeline where skynet can win.

And the resistance sends back a hero to try and stop them.

This is why judgement day keeps happening on different dates and with bombs in different places.
Originally Skynet fired US nukes to Russia knowing that the Russians would fight back.

However as Judgement day kept getting delayed. Perhaps Skynet changed its strategy to target for example China. They are the 'other' superpower in this decade. Therefore China would fight back with different targets.
Originally Skynet fired US nukes to Russia knowing that the Russians would fight back.

However as Judgement day kept getting delayed. Perhaps Skynet changed its strategy to target for example China. They are the 'other' superpower in this decade. Therefore China would fight back with different targets.

Not necessarily. There's a good chance that Russia still has its nukes that are programmed for to target American locations.
“Maybe John is not humanity’s last hope. Maybe we are.”

It's lines like this that make me question whether or not the writers actually understand the mythology at all. Sarah and Reese WERE humanity's last hope in the original Terminator film. Doesn't anyone remember the opening text?

“Their war to exterminate mankind had raged for decades, but the final battle would not be fought in the future. It would be fought here, in our present. Tonight...”

Probably even more so for Sarah since the final moments all boiled down to just her and the Terminator. This team is taking what the original did and actually believing they're doing something new.
“Maybe John is not humanity’s last hope. Maybe we are.”

It's lines like this that make me question whether or not the writers actually understand the mythology at all. Sarah and Reese WERE humanity's last hope in the original Terminator film. Doesn't anyone remember the opening text?

I agree with you, but there's one thing I have to ask: isn't that line "Maybe John isn't humanity's last hope. Maybe we are," still not true to the mythology by what you've pointed out? I mean, you said that they were humanity's last hope in the original film. Since this one is set to take place in the same timeline, doesn't that mean they're still humanity's last hope for this film?
I'll be the first to cheer loudly if this is good,but I just don't see it. We don't need another 3 terminator films. The story has left the building already.T1 &T2 are sacred. Everything else after just degenerates further. They've taken the fact that Terminator is a time travel movie and basically said "well anything goes,we can fill this movie with as many transformers and superhuman robots and fancy crap as we want and change the timeline over and over" instead of sticking to Cameron's vision of the dark future which at least seamed semi realistic. The more I hear the more tired I am that we are getting 3 of these damn things. :(
Amen.... Its amazing that Stargate sg-1 could revell in time travel and alternate dimensions yet a simple story like the terminator just gets weakened with every sequel. Every follow up feels like a misstep.
We’ve seen a whole mess of footage from Terminator: Genisys.
A single word that sums up the whole film: mess

he promised the crowd of theater-owners and film professionals that he wouldn’t be acting in this movie if he didn’t truly believe in what they were making.

So? He said the same thing about T3.

I agree with you, but there's one thing I have to ask: isn't that line "Maybe John isn't humanity's last hope. Maybe we are," still not true to the mythology by what you've pointed out? I mean, you said that they were humanity's last hope in the original film. Since this one is set to take place in the same timeline, doesn't that mean they're still humanity's last hope for this film?

It's not just about the mythology as it is about the execution. If there is a hero's journey in Cameron's Terminator movies, it's Sarah Conner's. Just look at how she starts in the original terminator film. She's just some decent nobody who while a bit on the clumsy side is pretty happy and content with her life. She's got friends, family and cool crib with an awesome room mate. But when the war between Skynet and Humanity comes to pay a visit in her time line, her world is destroyed just as the world itself was for humanity when the bombs fell. There is nobody that can help her except Kyle, and with their relationship she is able to fully grasp her role in the war. In the end when she's got no one but herself and her lil'Jon cooking in the oven, she's not only going to confront this storm head on, but also do things her own way. As we're told in the sequel, she tried to stop Judgement Day from happening before we're introduced to her character, and not once does she declare herself humanity's last hope. She's simply someone who is dead set on preventing Skynet from happening.

In Genisys, the line "maybe John isn't humanity's last hope" is a pretty blunt interpretation of Sarah's original role as just a walking incubator who after giving birth to John pretty much meant that her role was over. That's some foolish interpretation man. After Terminator 1, Sarah not only became a fighter for humanity, she became humanity's ONLY fighter. It wasn't enough knowing that her son John would eventually lead humanity to victory against the machines. In order for that to happen, the war would have to occur, and the numerous visions she had of Judgement Day became too much of a burden to simply let happen.
They didn't understand any of Cameron's messages with any of the sequels. In the true Terminators films, fate is not set in stone. You have free will and you can make a difference. In T3 and onwards all of the sudden everything is inevitable. :wacko Cameron writes strong female characters. Again in T3 and onwards all of them are either evil or whiny it seems.
This is why I'm always saying the franchise isn't fixable without a total reboot.

You can't respect the Cameron movies, retain continuity with them, and still continue to make new $200m Terminator summer action movies. Those three things cannot all be reconciled anymore. (Yeah, yeah, the future war. But whole movies set in there won't sell enough tickets outside the diehard sci-fi audience.)

They should have abandoned the old continuity (not to mention Arnold) about two movies back.
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In my perfect world Cameron does a true 3rd act. The story is set completely in the future at night just like in the flashbacks. The story involves the war and the leadup to where the resistance wins against the machines. The closing shot would feature Reece getting in the time machine and going back to 1984.
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