Terminator 2 Atari Portfolio "PIN" program...


Well-Known Member
Has any1 come across a program to reproduce what's seen on screen? I guess it's coded in "PortBasic" or something like that!?

Also if any1 got an idea of how to load it onto the Portfolio...


PS. I dont need the "ATM machine" decrypter software, just what's seen on screen :p


Ps3. Again, not to "decrypt" ATM machines, lol ;)
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My :cool
I should have guessed that it was at Andreas' home ;)


So we need to guess which cables can we use to replace these:



Any ideas?

I guess they're vintage ribbon cables and some sort of serial/parallel/display port cable?
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Haha, love it....now off to the nearest ATM machine......just for "testing" purposes ;) haha

It's great, just like in the movie!
I've got one of these beasts (without the cables) and wouldn't mind fleshing mine out if there's a source for the program...
Yeah last end is to paint fifth wire but it might be it was not a home computer wire but a machine one? Doesnt look like the prop dept
painted it at all....
^ I think if you dig a little bit online with ribbon cable manufacturers, you can probably find what you're looking for. I've certainly used nearly identical wire for a myriad of projects.
Before I bid on an Atari Portfolio on ebay...

Where can I get this PIN Program, and how can I get this on the Atari?!?

Is there a Data out there what you can put on the Atari?!?
Before I bid on an Atari Portfolio on ebay...

Where can I get this PIN Program, and how can I get this on the Atari?!?

Is there a Data out there what you can put on the Atari?!?

Weelllll...I've done a little bit of research since my post above. :)

First, you need to get an Atari "Smart Parallel Interface" to go with the Portfolio. John Connor's Portfolio had one of these, and that's what the ribbon cable connects to. That interface hooks the Portfolio to a desktop computer's parallel port and allows file transfers between the two. That's how software gets loaded onto the Portfolio. You do, of course, still have a PC with a parallel port, right...? Lots of "modern" PCs don't have them anymore.

That interface should come with two disks, a 5-1/4" and a 3-1/2" that have the necessary file transfer software on them. The software runs in DOS, and probably expects something like DOS 2.1 or 3.3. I was able to get an interface from an eBay seller that was new-old-stock and had the disks.

Second, the software. Visit The Atari Portfolio Website to find all sorts of info about the Portfolio, including software. Off the main page, choose "Downloads," then "Portfolio Demonstration Files." There's a PIN program listed there. I've downloaded it, but haven't had time to play with putting it onto the Portfolio. I'm hoping it's the same one; the notes on the website claim that it is.

As for getting the "right" cable with a red wire...why not get any old grey ribbon cable, mask off the conductors on either side of the wire you want to be red, and use a bright red Sharpie to color the wire...?

Hope this helps!
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