Take a look: Hoth Rebel Trooper Pistol analysis.


Well-Known Member
I recently came across these unpublished photos of a one-piece resin-cast blaster. Little is known of the prop in the photograph, but the story is convincing that it originated from Elstree Studios, probably around the time of ANH, but possibly ESB. No other pieces were photographed with this main piece...it is not known how long the barrel may have extended beyond the splined ring.

The scope is clearly a singlepoint.

The handle is of the same size and configuration as a Sterling submachine gun.

The trigger/trigger-guard assembly is very similar to a AR-7 Explorer semi-automatic rifle.

The combination of the latter 2 parts is vaguely reminiscent of the Hoth Rebel Troop <.-- BBCode Start -->pistol<.-- BBCode End -->, a variation of Ponda Baba's Blaster, but I am not sure if these have been documented as having had singlepoint scopes.

Does anybody want to correct me, or hazard a further guess as to its heritage??


Got excited, didn't read the whole post.
You got it right, see the pics on the page it looks like it had a singlepoint.

<img src=http://mywebpages.comcast.net/lonepigeon/RHpist1.jpg>

I'll give you a full parts rundown in a minute.

Edit: added a photo.
lonepigeon wrote:
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Any other photos?
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Cheers Chris,
I have a couple of other scanned photos (they are basically the same as the above images, but are lit differently, so might be useful to identify some details), and hi-res versions of the above photos. Were there any details in particular it would be useful to try and focus on?
Interesting find...thanks for sharing these great pics.

Now all we need is for PropReplicator to come up with a Dr Who link so we can make it
Full parts list:
Singlepoint scope
Charter Arms AR-7 Explorer
Sterling L2A3 Grip

Details (right side):
V8 Part #78 Oil Pump lower half
V8 Part #86 Fuel pump front half
V8 Part #87 Actuator Arm (fuel pump)

(left side)
V8 Part #88 Fuel pump rear half
Fett ESB rifle scope block (I know what this is, but it's best for another topic)
Cloud City Blaster right side detail (exact identity unknown)

That's pretty much it except for the scope rings.
There are a couple small rod-like pieces on the sides, but they're too small to get an exact identity (probably V-8 parts though, with some measuring I could probably figure them out).
It's missing the barrel and the British Mortar Shell Fin Assembly for the muzzle.
lonepigeon wrote:
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There are a couple small rod-like pieces on the sides, but they're too small to get an exact identity (probably V-8 parts though, with some measuring I could probably figure them out).
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I'll post bigger pics shortly.
Bothan Jedi wrote:
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Interesting find...thanks for sharing these great pics.
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No problem. I'm enjoying the discussion already
ah. too late. was going to identify the body / breech as an AR-7. The angled magazine and grooved barrel attachment ring are dead giveaways.
A little more:
V8 Part #87 Fuel pump actuator arm is repeated above Fett piece on the left side. I can't identify the part in front of it likely a part from another kit. This piece and the one to the left of the Fett piece are likely aircraft model parts. I'm working on identifying exactly which aircraft were used on ESB props (there is an early sidewinder missle on the DH-17, which is the best clue so far).

The slotted screw on the left side was added.

The cylinder piece on the right side is too nondescript to positively identify. It could be part of V8 part #70 (rocker arm shaft)- it's the right diameter but much longer. All other V8 parts are too big or too small.

It would be pretty easy to make if someone casted an AR-7.
was also going to say it looked very much like they'd used the long bent-looking trigger from a Sterling, but it appears the AR-7's trigger is very similar in shape -


(and don't get excited by ar-7.com's offerring parts - the Receiver (which is what we want) IS the firearm as far as BATF is concerned. As such, not usually for sale seperately or cheaply.

Ask some of the firearms fans here, surely one of them has an AR-7 that a cast could be made of.
Wow, some great input coming in.

The additional photos I have don't show it from any other angle, but if I crop them and clean them in Photoshop, they show some of the breech detail better. Here they are if anybody is interested:


And I'll keep working on this a little longer, but here is a Photoshop reconstruction of what the blaster may have looked like whole (happy to hear advice/suggestions for corrections):


(pic of British Mortar Shell Fin Assembly modified from www.partsofsw.com
I've thought about buying one on several occasions, but without an AR-7 to put it on I had no reason to. The mortar fins aren't hard to find.

Looking at it in the film I'd say the barrel and muzzle are identical to Ponda Baba's. It was probably cast from the same prop gun.

The barrel should taper more. It's either the original rifle barrel cut down or maybe the barrel of the pistol version of the gun (it has the rifle body though). I was going to take your pics and modify them for PoSW (using the Baba blaster photo and a little cleanup on the scope). Another page to add to my "to do" list.
I have the AR7, the Sterling grip and the Single Point.
I was going to throw one together if I ever did a Hoth Trooper.

TK818 wrote:
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Ah, now that's a nice pic of the weapon.
Does anyone have additional pics of it unholstered?