Suggestions with filling bubbles


New Member
I have run into a bit of a problem with a ~1/5 scale alien model I'm trying to complete. As you can see in the photo, it has a significant number of air bubbles. Normally these are not too much of a problem on flatter surfaces but these are on peaks of the ribs and other parts. At this scale they're small holes but have a significant impact on the end product.

I've tried filing them and building up with Squadron green putty but the putty tends to pull out after drying.

Any suggestions how else to fill these?
Hi, I'd use white milliput and use a wet finger to smooth it out before it dries. It should stick well to a primer too, and I've nver noticed any shrinkage.


a compound of crazyglue (any CA you can find) and talcum powder. Mix them into a paste and fill the holes. Wait about an hour and then sand to shape. Any longer than that, the mixture will become too hard to sand.

This mixture is good for small to mid-size air bubbles. Larger than that, you want to use Bondo spot glazing putty.

Thanks Phil and the rest. Milliput is available at model supply stores I take it?
I assume that you have cleaned the resin well before starting to fill the holes? Any mould-release reside will help prevent the putty from sticking.

Another option is Mr. Surfacer. The 500 is fairly thick, but can be brushed on and wiped with a cloth or Q-Tip dipped in lacquer thinner to fill the holes and not wipe out the detail. There's a bit of info on how to use it at Swanny's Models page (

Cheers and good luck, JT
I assume that you have cleaned the resin well before starting to fill the holes? Any mould-release reside will help prevent the putty from sticking.

Another option is Mr. Surfacer. The 500 is fairly thick, but can be brushed on and wiped with a cloth or Q-Tip dipped in lacquer thinner to fill the holes and not wipe out the detail. There's a bit of info on how to use it at Swanny's Models page (

Cheers and good luck, JT

Nice tip and thanks for the link.