Steampunk sunglasses

They posted these over at a Steampunk board I go to now and then. I have to say I like them allot and hope to see more stuff from the folks who made them.
Hmm.. Y'know.. We've got people.. People that.. Make things.. Nice things. Intricate. Complex. And these people? They can.. Copy Stuff. Make it again, but in mass quantities. Often a little better. SO!

The Idea!

Wearable Steampunkesque glasses (both dark and clear glass). Make them cool. Make them functional. Make people gasp and stare in awe. Oh yes. Make it affordable!



p.s. A first thought. If the lenses are made from two panes of polarized glass, one could be fixed, the other could turn to control the glasses opaqueness.
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The affordable part is a bit hard to do. Would $400.00 a pair be considered affordable cause the time to construct such a pair would cost around that at say $20.00 an hour + materials.
Alas. $400 isn't affordable, under my budgetary constraints. $150? Sure. $200? Perhaps. Dumb it down some, maybe? Heh.

You could probably find some of the oldstyle round lense sunglasses and add a piece of brass sheet rolled to make a circle. Cut the piece so it forms the shape you want when rolled, and solder it inplace.
You could probably find some of the oldstyle round lense sunglasses and add a piece of brass sheet rolled to make a circle. Cut the piece so it forms the shape you want when rolled, and solder it inplace.

I myself have always wanted to get some of those old round-lensed safety glasses, the kind with the mesh guards on the sides, and put dark lenses into 'em...
Those are pretty cool!:thumbsup I'm actually quite impressed with the creativity that's been started with the whole steampunk design styles.
I'm set up to work brass, have a fairly full set of jewelery tools and a setup to etch brass. Anyone come up with some good "Victorian" scifi projects pass them on!

Here is a pair of 1940's era safety glasses I just got off of ebay. This is my start on a pair of steampunk glasses.