Stargate SG-1 calculator looking thingy?


Sr Member
Ok, so I just got in to SG-1 in the last few years, and when I did first get into the show, someone on here had for sale a replica of some long-ish, calculator, looking thingy from the show. I have never seen it on the show, and I don't recall, what it was called.

It seemed like it was three letters . like EDG, or EDO, or something. EBT?

Anyways, it looked pretty cool, can someone tell me what it was called, and what it was used for on the show?

It was called a GDO - no one knows what it stands for.. but people suspect it stands for "garage door opener".

It was on all the stargate officers forearms when they went offworld.

when they wanted to return they had to transmit their code using the GDO so that stargate command knew that it was their team that was coming back - and so they could open the iris. (the thing made out of titanium that acted like a shield over the wormhole)

If they didn't open the iris - then when people tried to come through the wormhole their particles would ram right into the iris and *splat*... :lol
oh, and it appears a lot on several episodes.. countless enemy's have stolen the sg team's GDO in order to be able to try and trick Stargate command into opening the iris so they could invade stargate command/ earth.

and everytime they return from offworld - you'll always see one team member push their forearm transmitting the code....

and many times when they're offworld and the sg teams are captured by enemy's they're usually stripped of their weapons -and need to find the GDO to return home... or else, again, *splat* :lol
:lol WOW I'm usually really observant about that kind of stuff, but I totally missed this prop, and it was right under my nose, in what sounds like most episodes.

I thought it was a cool looking prop before, but now that I know how much screen time it gets now I really want one. :)
FWIW, I believe Garage Door Opener is canon. I believe it was explained either in-episode or in the special features on the dvds.

I vaguely remember Gen O'Neil looking at the the device and saying something like "so it's like a garage door opener" in an early episode of season one. Oh dammit! now I'm going to have to dig out the DVD's and find it.:rolleyes

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where is a good place to get one of these? I've had a thread looking for one over in the junkyard, but haven't had any luck, and I was just wondering, if there might be a better place to look.
I had a thread way back looking for feedback on some CAD drawings I was doing for a GDO, but I have never found the time to get into the garage and try and fight with my Smithy 3-in-1 to mill it. I think in that thread SgtFang said something about having done one, but it was never made available on the board, was more of a 1 off for a halloween costume one year.

I never got much farther than this. I started working on the long side view but never completed it.
I think "Garage Door Opener" is a bit of an in-joke by the cast and crew. Definitely not the first time.

Ever see the big computers in the background of the various "science lab" areas? The most blatant (to me, because I knew what it was) was the ID lettering across the top... "SGA-BLU1". StarGate Atlantis Blinkie Light Unit 1. Yes, that's what the cast and crew call them. :) Obviously, because it's just a prop.. it's an empty shell with a bunch of blinking LEDs on it, for no other purpose than background decoration. I always thought that was hilarious, though.

Another one I'd like to see is the dialing computer's keyboard.. the prop department rearranged the keys on a regular basis to spell out all sorts of things. I swear I saw the word "BOOBIES" on the keyboard in one episode.
Um well someone must have done a run at some point, because someone had one in the junkyard a few years ago, and I've seen the costumers walking around at cons with them before. :)
There actually were vendors at SDCC selling them at one point.

Another item that shows up is a scanner that is used in both SG-1 and as a palmtop in Firefly.

It shows up in season 6.

Sorry for the pic. -Why I hate digital cameras.
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I have yet to get to a single SDCC yet, but thanks so much for the info, and for the pic, that is another very cool prop. :)