Jehudah Design
Well-Known Member
Good evening.
Some while ago, I made an E-11 blaster rifle while taking photos of every step of the buildup, then put all the photos into my website, known as "The Dromund Kaas Sith Temple" This website was a free hosted website, and the tutorial had copy protected photos that were dark and fuzzy, and the grammar on the site was bad.
I have now bought a domain and now have a new website called "The Eternal Darkness" at Dark Side Sith Lord - Costumes, Prop Replicas, Robots, And More, and have also redone the whole tutorial.
The tutorial now has 50 photos in each page to make each page faster to upload, this was a request from a guy some while ago.
The photos are no longer copy protected as I thought people might like to save them on their computer, and if someone ever would steal my photos, posting them in their site, saying that they built the blaster, then I know along with everyone else who has seen the tutorial that I am the one that actually owns the blaster rifle in the photos, and can proove it as it is right here with me.
What is also very cool is that the photos can now be enlarged by clicking on them, turning them to a resolution of 1024 x 768.
Grammar has also been fixed, as far as I can tell with my norwegianity...
I hope you like my new revised tutorial then, and good luck building your own Blastech E-11 blaster rifle.
The creation of the E-11 blaster rifle V2.0
EDIT - Website is now back up, and link to the tutorial has been fixed.
Dark Side Sith Lord.
Some while ago, I made an E-11 blaster rifle while taking photos of every step of the buildup, then put all the photos into my website, known as "The Dromund Kaas Sith Temple" This website was a free hosted website, and the tutorial had copy protected photos that were dark and fuzzy, and the grammar on the site was bad.
I have now bought a domain and now have a new website called "The Eternal Darkness" at Dark Side Sith Lord - Costumes, Prop Replicas, Robots, And More, and have also redone the whole tutorial.
The tutorial now has 50 photos in each page to make each page faster to upload, this was a request from a guy some while ago.
The photos are no longer copy protected as I thought people might like to save them on their computer, and if someone ever would steal my photos, posting them in their site, saying that they built the blaster, then I know along with everyone else who has seen the tutorial that I am the one that actually owns the blaster rifle in the photos, and can proove it as it is right here with me.
What is also very cool is that the photos can now be enlarged by clicking on them, turning them to a resolution of 1024 x 768.
Grammar has also been fixed, as far as I can tell with my norwegianity...
I hope you like my new revised tutorial then, and good luck building your own Blastech E-11 blaster rifle.
The creation of the E-11 blaster rifle V2.0
EDIT - Website is now back up, and link to the tutorial has been fixed.
Dark Side Sith Lord.
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