STAR TREK TNG - Data Makeup


New Member
Does anyone know what kind of makeup was used for Data, played by Brent Spiner in TNG?

I'm working on putting together a costume and I want to get the right makeup so that it is hard to rub off.
I'm pretty sure it was custom made.

I know one member here doubled for him so maybe he knows.
Yeah, it was not hard to rub off and came off all over. :p
For hand inserts or other instances where Brent would put his hand on a console and leave a giant gold handprint, they would spray over the make-up with hair spray to fix it.

It was white makeup with a gold powder dusted over it. As with many of his make-ups, it was probably a custom mix by Michael Westmore, though I have seen people at conventions with very good approximations of it.
According to "Aliens and Artifacts," Ben Nye Ultra Matte Foundation (CN-0); set with Lumiere Luxe Powder; Iced Gold (LX-2) with a small amount of Aztec Gold (LX-3) worked in with a powder puff. Dust off excess with a light brush. The lips are covered with a small amount of BN Fireworks Bronze (FW-11). BN Cake Makeup, Light Ivory (PC-02) with a small amount of MagiCake Aqua Paint Maize (LA-89) is applied to the hands. Instead of using water to moisten the sponge, use BN LiquiSet (MLB-11). Then top with the same Lux Powder. Hit your hands with BN Final Seal (FY-2)... allow to dry and hit again.

For a better write-up with pictures, see if you can find a copy of "Star Trek: Aliens and Artifacts."
Yeah, it was not hard to rub off and came off all over. :p
For hand inserts or other instances where Brent would put his hand on a console and leave a giant gold handprint, they would spray over the make-up with hair spray to fix it.

It was white makeup with a gold powder dusted over it. As with many of his make-ups, it was probably a custom mix by Michael Westmore, though I have seen people at conventions with very good approximations of it.

He is right of course....but? The "Metallic gold" used was just a "loose" eye shadow, done in a "Pearlescent Gold", with a slightly Darker Tone used on the neck, to help frame the face better!

The powder can be sealed with a spray on sealent! It is rather COLD though, so be warned. It can also be sprayed on your face. Any "Professional" make-up supply house should carry everything you need!

In Los Angeles? You can find it, at either "FRENDS" make-up supply on Laureal Canyon Blvd, or? "Cinema Secrets" make-up supply in Burbank.

Both of which...might be online, just in case you can't make it there in person.

PERFECT! That's about all I needed to know. Thanks guys!! I will definitely post pictures when I finish... But it will be a while since finances are pretty tight and I was just in a car accident. -- Okay though, no broken stuff, just severe whiplash and nerve damage...

Thanks for the help!!
Alright... I've got the uniform, though it still needs a bit of tailoring. Got the pips and com badge.

I was able to track down a copy of Aliens and Artifacts ($4 on Amazon!!) and am now working on putting a make-up kit together. I have used Ben Nye make-up before, but it's pretty expensive. However, I'm going to try for it since I know how well it works. Otherwise, I'm sure I can find similar products for a bit cheaper.

Not long now...!!!!

FYI, for anyone looking to get the full Ben Nye make-up set for Data, you're looking at $80 or more.
As always is the place to go for all your makeup and prop info. I had an idea for Data costume earlier today when I was out wearing my porkpie hat. Some guy said "go for your gun" which of cause made me think of the episode A fistful of Datas and my favorite of Data characters Frank hollander. I thought, "mmm, I have the hat, I have the coat, just need the makeup.
Alright... I've got the uniform, though it still needs a bit of tailoring. Got the pips and com badge.

I was able to track down a copy of Aliens and Artifacts ($4 on Amazon!!) and am now working on putting a make-up kit together. I have used Ben Nye make-up before, but it's pretty expensive. However, I'm going to try for it since I know how well it works. Otherwise, I'm sure I can find similar products for a bit cheaper.

Not long now...!!!!

FYI, for anyone looking to get the full Ben Nye make-up set for Data, you're looking at $80 or more.

Hey! I am going to be Data for Halloween and I am wondering how your face paint turned out. I got the Ben Nye Ultra Matte Foundation, the Aztec Gold, and the Iced Gold. When I do it, my face does not look as "reflective" or "metallic" as Data's. Did you find the same was true for you?
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