

Sr Member
Inbetween everything I am doing , I have been working on the Spaceballs paper props. Here's the shaving cream label already posted :


Placemat: ( i printing mine of 11 x 17" paper with equal border of white around. ( stars added for kicks)


If you need either one sent via email let me know. The are in Illustrator so they are pretty easy to play with.

Also have in works/almost completed:

Perrier-Air can
Cereal box
Liquid Schwartz

and props:

Barf's 4 tube thing
plates from the store
and much more :)


lunchbox ( need better images)
coloring book ( need better images , isn't that Optimus running on the cover)
action figures....time and digging out my SW bendies to sculpt over maybe.
Re: Spaceballs : The paper props

Awesome! Thanks for sharing that again, and I can't wait to see the others:thumbsup
Re: Spaceballs : The paper props

Very cool propologist,
Loved this film! :thumbsup
I thought Mel Brookes was inspirational when he started "merchandising" in the middle of the film! Great stuff from a comic genius! :lol
I will send a PM to you and watch this thread for more great stuff.
Thanks propologist, for everything, petseal
Re: Spaceballs : The paper props

That is awesome. Great work. I am looking forward to the air can.
Re: Spaceballs : The paper props

it's but done , but looking for a proper can to size it with. It looks like a straight top can and not a slanted can like the ones we have today. I've been looking at old V8 cans and other things. Here's the logo/label. Some more tweeking need to be done but it's almost there.
also the cereal box design. Still working on it and the layout. Having some "black matching problems" and still playing with res.
And the liquid Schwartz . I just did that last night for about 30 minutes. Using Mel Brooks picture instead of the other image that was poor in all my research.

and to add on the cereal I'm going to make my own cereal image by using real cereal and taking the picture. All the images i have mocked up the resolution is terrible , even through Photoshop , so it's easier to snap an image of glued in cereal. Nothing more I hate is bad resolution on paper props.
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Re: Spaceballs : The paper props

it's but done , but looking for a proper can to size it with. It looks like a straight top can and not a slanted can like the ones we have today. I've been looking at old V8 cans and other things. Here's the logo/label. Some more tweeking need to be done but it's almost there.
also the cereal box design. Still working on it and the layout. Having some "black matching problems" and still playing with res.
And the liquid Schwartz . I just did that last night for about 30 minutes. Using Mel Brooks picture instead of the other image that was poor in all my research.

and to add on the cereal I'm going to make my own cereal image by using real cereal and taking the picture. All the images i have mocked up the resolution is terrible , even through Photoshop , so it's easier to snap an image of glued in cereal. Nothing more I hate is bad resolution on paper props.

I've actually made a more high quality version of the Perriair logo.
I need to come back to this and tweak it some more... . anyone else re-post those old paper props?
Here's a scan of the 1984 Marvel Books STICKER ADVENTURES THE TRANS FORMERS RETURN TO CYBERTRON, ISBN O-87135-O25-4, so you can adapt it to your own "Spaceballs the Coloring Book". Just found/bought it off ebay. Not sure off-hand if a "SPACEBALLS THE COLORING BOOK" sticker will cover the rectangular Pic N Save sticker in the right hand corner. Scared to try and remove it. The circular $0.99 label is printed as part of the cover of the book.


  • Spaceballs BackCover.png
    Spaceballs BackCover.png
    1.2 MB · Views: 30
  • Spaceballs FrontCover.png
    Spaceballs FrontCover.png
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Hi all, here's my contribution:

spaceballs the prop.png

This is video cassette art that I designed to match the prop used in the movie with high accuracy. Well, high accuracy for the front and the spine, that is, because that's all we see in the film:

Spaceballs.mkv_snapshot_00.35.22_[2024.10.11_19.08.05].jpg Spaceballs.mkv_snapshot_00.35.46_[2024.10.11_11.01.34].jpg Spaceballs.mkv_snapshot_00.35.49_[2024.10.11_11.02.11].jpg

A few notes:
  • Print at 300 dpi, at high quality on photo paper. It will NOT fit on 8-1/2" x 11" paper without sacrificing some of the edges.
  • The layout is somewhat sloppy, but I guess that was intentional?
  • The top of the case has the barcode and layout of the first edition video release.
  • The bottom of the case has the edge of the MGM logo poorly placed, just like in the film.
  • The back of the case has the same layout as the first edition video release.
  • I have included crop marks. Black is for cutting, blue is for scoring.
  • Slap a first edition cassette in there (they're cheap on eBay), and it completes the look!
  • I found it easier to assemble by securing with double-sided tape, with a cassette inside it to help it form better.
And the finished product:

PXL_20241018_223953116.jpg PXL_20241018_223605476.jpg PXL_20241018_222907208.jpg PXL_20241018_222941997.jpg

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