Captain Dave! Thanks for the link to the landing effect. It's a great option. I've decided I want to build the ship in flight mode, so I won't use the interior or the landing gear. And, after scanning through the film this morning, I discovered the sound effect I like best is at the END of the movie, the final shot of the cruiser receding into space followed by the end credits... that sound effects sequence is what I'm looking for.
I downloaded Audacity and used it to record the sequence in wave. Then I used iTunes to convert the wave file to an MP3. Then I spoke to Randy at Voodoo FX (who's like ALWAYS available and has time to talk -- literally the best customer service experience I've ever had!) He has a sound FX unit that's reasonably priced... the only drawback is you have a wire running from your ship to the control pad... so I want to explore all my options... I really want everything contained INSIDE the ship... with just a tiny toggle switch on the surface... which Randy said is absolutely possible, just more money... so I've got to figure out what I want to do... thanks again for your info!