So it begins... my quest for Batman. UPDATED last page.


Sr Member
To All of my fellow Bats and non-Bats:

So after being approached by my wife and roommate and being told that they would be interested in being Catwoman and Poison Ivy for Halloween, it's time to start assembling a Batsuit.

This is what I'm thinking. We have about 6 months until the big day and with money being so tight now a days I'm thinking if I start putting a little aside monthly and with some "help" from my friends here, I should be able to get what I desire. I received an offer for an amazing suit and would love to take said person up on the offer but I don't have the spare scratch to shell out all at once currently. I'm also trying to unload some of my Elvis Presley Tribute Artist Costumes as I'm loosing weight and they don't fit as proper any more, but I don't seem to be getting any bites on them over on the bay.

I would prefer the "Clooney/Kilmer/On-Star Look. Here are some reference pictures for those that are forgetful or don't remember since Nolan's Batman has graced our screens.

I love this look. Without nipples if at all possible.


I have over time relized that I have what would be called a "Clooney" jaw.


I'm using this picture because it's the symbol I would like.


Now about 6 years ago I was donated a mask... my first Batman mask and it was a start (or I thought it was) of my completed suit. I unfortunately lost it in a house fire along with the boots and gloves that I had bought. I was a little chunkier back then but thought I filled the mask out quite nicely.


This is a current picture of me.


So I know I'm asking a lot. But any help would be great. I realize that almost everyone is in the same spot as I am. And I will have enough in time so all I'm asking is if you have something that's taking up space that you think I could use... let me know and I'll try to take it off your hands as soon as possible.

Thanks so much everyone-

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Re: So it begins... my quest for Batman.

you know you want the nipples....deep inside you need them :)..Joel Shum.....whats his name would love you for it.
Re: So it begins... my quest for Batman.

I'm okay honestly... I was already born with a pair that are completely worthless and serve no purpose why would I want to add another set?

Re: So it begins... my quest for Batman.

You sure you wanna wear a mask? Man, if I looked that good I'd never cover my face.

I mean that in the straightest way possible.

Re: So it begins... my quest for Batman.

How dare you sir... how dare you. :eek. I maybe new at Batman costuming but I am not new at costuming in general. I could pull off Batman better with a stack of black plastic bags and some duct tape.:lol

Thanks for the "straightest" way possible comment.

Let's try to stay on topic.

Re: So it begins... my quest for Batman. after being approached by my wife and roommate and being told that they would be interested in being Catwoman and Poison Ivy for Halloween, it's time to start assembling a Batsuit...

I'm sorry, but after I read this I thought that it should have been preceded by, "Dear Penthouse"...:lol
Re: So it begins... my quest for Batman.

No Penthouse... Just life. Refer to above post about wearing a mask. But it also goes to show that just cause you might be good looking it does mean you get everything you
Re: So it begins... my quest for Batman.

You want to contact member Inferno, trust me. He has some of the best reproductions of the Clooney/Kilmer suit out there.
Re: So it begins... my quest for Batman.

May not be what you want but I just finished a comission for custom designed and fabricated gauntlets with real working pop-up meatal fins. Don't have any other Bat stuff, but I can make these or any other special request.
Re: So it begins... my quest for Batman.

Boots have been received and the suit will be here in a couple months from now.
Re: So it begins... my quest for Batman.

Hey everyone. Still looking for a deal on Panther/On-Star gloves. If you have a pair or know someone who does and wants to let them go let me know!

So I received a package today... and this is what was inside... The start of my suit. This thing is beautiful! Pictures really don't do it justice. What do you guys think?



Can't wait to get the rest of the items. By the way STILL looking for a deal on some Panther/On-Star gloves!

I think it is time for Batman! Tell me how you feel when you are in a complete suit. That Bat aura you may feel!
So I received a package today... and this is what was inside... The start of my suit. This thing is beautiful! Pictures really don't do it justice. What do you guys think?



Can't wait to get the rest of the items. By the way STILL looking for a deal on some Panther/On-Star gloves!

From where did you acquire your armor ??