Small bit of prop trivia


Master Member
I've brought this prop up before, so if you've "heard" me talk about this in the past, please bear with me...

A couple of years back I bought a prop mace from Premiere Props. It was sold as having been used in 2003's Shanghai Knights (hey -- it was inexpensive.). Incidentally, I showed this off at our recent SooCal prop party.

I watched the movie closely, and could not see it at all... But lo, when casually watching Van Helsing (2004), I noticed the very same (IDENTICAL) prop held by Kate Beckinsale in the scene where her brother (as a werewolf) is stalking the castle on a rainy night.

The new info (and why I bring it up again) is this... Motivated by another viewing of Van Helsing last night, I did a bit more research, and sure enough...

BOTH films feature the same Production Designer (A. Cameron) AND the same Prop Master (D. Balfour).

So while most of us know props CAN and do migrate from film to film, here is a real world example. Likely either the same prop was used in both films, or at least props from the same molds.
I used to work at two prop supplier companies, "Modern Props" and "The Hand Prop Room".

Both rent props for use within TV shows and movies, so the same props can be seen in may movies IE: The Ghost Buster EKG Machine has been in at lease two perhaps more films and the ST2 Tricorder in the same number.

The wall units in ST2 were later in the Truck for serviceing KIT in Nightrider.

I think perhaps a question more worthy of investigation is this: Why the heck did you buy a prop from Shanghai Knights, for gods sake????? :p

Seriously though, prop rentals is a huge part of the industry. You make something for one movie, you keep it, but you spend the next 2000 years renting it out to every production that will come knocking on your door. If you watched any Tv from the 80's, you'll see the same sci-fi gadgets showing up in ANY show that involves time travel to the future. How many times have I seen this one gizmo with the two long rods that are internally lit by flourescent tubes. YIKES. So sad.

But yeah, that's pretty common practice.

What is uncommon is finding someone who will plunk down cash for a prop from movies like Shanghai Knights and Last of the Mohicans.... BOOYAH..... :p
<div class='quotetop'>(Probe Droid @ Oct 30 2006, 09:12 AM) [snapback]1347390[/snapback]</div>
A bunch of the weapons from Blade Trinity also are in a B stinker called Vampire Wars.

So the weapons went from B stinker to b stinker. :D

Rob, looks like you got a bargain on the Mace as maybe it was used in at least two films.

You take care of and be kind to that old vet. ;)
<div class='quotetop'>(MattMunson @ Oct 30 2006, 05:08 PM) [snapback]1347488[/snapback]</div>
I think perhaps a question more worthy of investigation is this: Why the heck did you buy a prop from Shanghai Knights, for gods sake????? :p


What is uncommon is finding someone who will plunk down cash for a prop from movies like Shanghai Knights and Last of the Mohicans.... BOOYAH..... :p

Yeah, yeah -- uh huh.... :p Like I said -- it was cheap. But a good question, nonetheless and thank you, Matt, for asking. ;)

Chris, I know the one you're talking about, but no, its not that one. The one I have is from a few minutes later in the film.
I have to say that when researching props from Van Helsing and information on where to obtain them, I found out that all the weapons in those scenes you see where they're in the castle armory were rented out by a company in the Czech Republic-Three Bros. Productions. It's possible that the prop master made a mold of the mace and cast some for Van helsing and some for Shanghai Knights. You can find the link for the company HERE This is actually their store so you can buy everythign that's on there. They also have displays around Prague. It's also the only place i've been able to find the war hammer withthe hand gripping the spike. If you search through their stuff, you'll find lots of stuff you see online. The mace spoken about above, the hammer, etc.
Nice info.

The one I have is very similar to this one, though not a 100% match. And based on screen images, the one in the film matches the one I have (not the one in the link). I'll have to post a screen cap later...
<div class='quotetop'>(BingoBongo275 @ Oct 30 2006, 04:03 PM) [snapback]1347454[/snapback]</div>
I think this is common practice.

Are the costumes from Starship troopers (2?) used in Firefly?



Sure thing that is them, they also have showed up in the galaxy version of power rangers.