Master Member
I've brought this prop up before, so if you've "heard" me talk about this in the past, please bear with me...
A couple of years back I bought a prop mace from Premiere Props. It was sold as having been used in 2003's Shanghai Knights (hey -- it was inexpensive.). Incidentally, I showed this off at our recent SooCal prop party.
I watched the movie closely, and could not see it at all... But lo, when casually watching Van Helsing (2004), I noticed the very same (IDENTICAL) prop held by Kate Beckinsale in the scene where her brother (as a werewolf) is stalking the castle on a rainy night.
The new info (and why I bring it up again) is this... Motivated by another viewing of Van Helsing last night, I did a bit more research, and sure enough...
BOTH films feature the same Production Designer (A. Cameron) AND the same Prop Master (D. Balfour).
So while most of us know props CAN and do migrate from film to film, here is a real world example. Likely either the same prop was used in both films, or at least props from the same molds.
A couple of years back I bought a prop mace from Premiere Props. It was sold as having been used in 2003's Shanghai Knights (hey -- it was inexpensive.). Incidentally, I showed this off at our recent SooCal prop party.
I watched the movie closely, and could not see it at all... But lo, when casually watching Van Helsing (2004), I noticed the very same (IDENTICAL) prop held by Kate Beckinsale in the scene where her brother (as a werewolf) is stalking the castle on a rainy night.
The new info (and why I bring it up again) is this... Motivated by another viewing of Van Helsing last night, I did a bit more research, and sure enough...
BOTH films feature the same Production Designer (A. Cameron) AND the same Prop Master (D. Balfour).
So while most of us know props CAN and do migrate from film to film, here is a real world example. Likely either the same prop was used in both films, or at least props from the same molds.