Skunks Latest Project (First Small Scale Model Kit Of Grizzly)Finished And Painted

Cheers again Muntz
 Got the dread rings finished off today
Here's pics

2013-07-03 18.32.30.jpg

2013-07-03 18.32.47.jpg

2013-07-03 18.33.01.jpg

2013-07-03 18.33.11.jpg

2013-07-03 18.33.23.jpg
Quick update
Everything is now cast except for the base.
Still got quite a bit of work till the base is done, but you get the general idea of what it will look like.
Also, the piece in the pics is made up of all the first casts, so they look a bit grubby, but these first casts helped to clean the moulds.
Here's pics

2013-07-05 15.33.37.jpg

2013-07-05 15.33.55.jpg

2013-07-05 15.34.30.jpg

2013-07-05 15.34.50.jpg

2013-07-05 15.35.07.jpg

2013-07-05 15.35.22.jpg

2013-07-05 15.35.46.jpg

2013-07-05 15.37.49.jpg

2013-07-05 15.38.02.jpg

2013-07-05 15.38.18.jpg
You capture my vision of a Predator perfectly. It's as if you've been in my mind and copied it.

So in for a kit and being in the UK it means I wont get hammered on import duty for one.
Lee that is amazing mate, the speed you work and skill at sculpting is great. You going to be painting this bad boy ??
oooooooooooooh you headed into the scary world of busts, and what a awesome job you did.

message to self, contact Skunk if I decide to ever do small stuff, and bug the **** out of him.
Cheers Guys

@ Lone hunter, LOL.....thats exactly what I did.....i'm a dream stealer, I like the idea of a technologyless pred, for this character, I wanted a Pred that had been abandoned alone on a ****** up planet full of nasties with no way of getting off, his armour and weapon are made up from bits of his kills, his sword is the pincher/mandible from a giant centapede which is one of the dominating creatures on this world as is his thigh armour,his shin armour is from a water dwelling croc type thing which has an incredibly strong scull and horn which Grizz uses to great effect, the creature that he is standing over was also one of this worlds top predators, a huge mofo with accute senses makes him a worthwhile kill. he had to cut him in half in order for me to fit him on the base lol.

Also, seeing as all preds have nicknames, I have decided to nickname Grizzly "the dentist" because of his obsession with teeth lol.

@ Jim, Yes, I'm very much looking forward to painting one up as I have not painted anything on this scale just yet, so i'm sure it's going to be a chalange.

@ Lee, LOL, no worries man, If you ever need any help, just give me a shout.

@Lone hunter and Predatorje, I am hopeing to finish the base of pretty soon, I have to take a break this week but as soon as I get a chance, I will finish it off and sort out a price and start a thread in the relevant section.

No update pics just yet, sorry, using latex this week, so cant use silicone.
Cheers for your feedback all, it's appreciated.
This is amazing.I will be keeping an eye out for this one's availability.It looks like a must have kit.
Cheers Kitator

well, this has been a difficult, expensive project, but it has been a pleasurable learning curve.
Sorry it's taken a while to get the base done, bloody thing soaked up silicone like it was going out of fashion lol.
Here's some pics of the base
2013-08-08 17.55.50.jpg

2013-08-08 17.56.02.jpg

2013-08-08 17.56.15.jpg

2013-08-08 17.56.29.jpg

I have cast the first two, this one is the cleanest of the two, I will be putting the first available kit up for sale in the relevant section, and keeping the first cast for myself.
I have a few jobs to do over the next week or so, but as soon as they are finished, I am hoping to get a chance to put the kit together properly and paint it up.

Here is a link to the sale thread for those interested

Cheers for looking folks
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Great work Skunk! You have done a nice job of making it different from other kits, but still looks good and evil! 
Hi Folks
Just a quick update for now as short on time, but will upload more pics later.
I Have FINALLY got around to painting one up.
First time painting something on this scale for me, and my hat is off to the masters of kit painting as it was a chalange and a half lol.
He's a sneak peek.

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Cheers troggs
here's a few more pics as promissed....then I'm off to bed lol.....knackered























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