Silence of the Lambs


Well-Known Member
Hiya, so I just rewatched it and wondered if anyone has duplicated the drawings from his cell ? like the italy drawings and Clarice w the Lamb??

ANyone help ?

Re: Has anyone replicated the Silence of the Lambs drawings ????

Good idea....The views from Lecter's prison cell? Those pics?

Re: Has anyone replicated the Silence of the Lambs drawings ????

yep the drawings he had done
Re: Has anyone replicated the Silence of the Lambs drawings ????

i am also interested in these drawings, great movie too!!
Re: Has anyone replicated the Silence of the Lambs drawings ????

Well, for anything Lector related, I made an FBI Identity badge for Will Graham (William Peterson from "Manhunter"). I was afraid of putting it up anywhere because I was afraid of someone taking it, printing it out and using it fraudulently).
Re: Has anyone replicated the Silence of the Lambs drawings ????

Hi Daniel,

I know exactly what you mean. I'm finding my art work from time to time on and etsy,com sold for a lot of money.

On my HD I've got plenty more of them but I'm not really encouraged to upload them.

Re: Has anyone replicated the Silence of the Lambs drawings ????

Hi Daniel,

I know exactly what you mean. I'm finding my art work from time to time on and etsy,com sold for a lot of money.

On my HD I've got plenty more of them but I'm not really encouraged to upload them.


Well, Dietrich, my major concern was someone printing it out, placing their photo on it and using it to impersonate an FBI agent. But after experience the eBay incident with my Teminator Wanted poster, I can understand your feelings about someone using it that way as well.
Re: Has anyone replicated the Silence of the Lambs drawings ????

Im doing a figure display and was doing the rock wall behind him. I had hoped to find these drawings to put behind him, does anyone have these drawings or just the fbi stuff ?
Maybe someone on this prop ???

whatever the release date of the movie ?? anyway this replica is not accurate and has errors ( fonts and other details.. ), yes it is too expensive!

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whatever the release date of the movie ?? anyway this replica is not accurate and has errors ( fonts and other details.. ), yes it is too expensive!


Do you have a better view of the original prop Caplan ? Auction or anything else ?..