Sidkit Firefly pistol build pictures (small update)

And THAT is why Helder has mine!

What Bronson said. (y)thumbsup

Nice work, Helder!

Just received my Mal pistol back from Helder.

Wow - awesome work, man! (y)thumbsup

Thank you very much for providing your talents to upgrade my prop collection!

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Glad you liked it man! It really does mean a lot to me when people like my work. :)

I'm working on Bronson BBs right now. I'm placing a large threaded rod through the barrel and into the frame to secure the barre enough for holstering. I was sorta afraid I would mess up this step so I actually ended up putting it off for a few days. Today I mustered up enough courage to do it. I drilled a hole in the back of the barrel and threaded it for the threaded rod. For some reason though the threaded wobbled a bit in the hole so I filled the bottom of the barrel with strong epoxy, maybe about 1 inch or so. I also made sure the epoxy ran into the thread for a good solid grip. By tomorrow it will be cured end Ill take some pictures.
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