SIDESHOW 1:1 scale ENDOARM BASE help needed


Well-Known Member
Look at me my 2nd post and already asking for some much needed help:lol Here's my dilemma. I was fortunate enough to track down a SIDESHOW 1:1 scale ENDOARM from a guy for a good price but heres the deal NO BASE for the arm to stand up on. I figured I could have one made out of ALUMINUM for a screen accurate look and contacted our very own RUSSREP to do it for me. He asked me for some measurements of the base but I have no idea because I have never owned one of these before and don't know anyone who does to take the bases measurements. Here is where I ask if any of you guys who own the SIDESHOW 1:1 ENDOARM and would be so kind as to take some measurements for me to send to RUSSREP or even better if you live in the UK and know RUSS and have a SIDESHOW ENDOARM and could let him see your base to take the measurements he would be happy to make it for me. I called SIDESHOW to see if they can help me but being that these sold out so long ago they didn't seem to think there was anything they could do for me. So I am taking a shot here for some help. The reason the measurements are so important is because I also eventually want to get the glass tube for it and I believe the tubes are based on the SIDESHOW 1:1 ENDOARM base measurements. Thanks in advance , Mike