Showoff: Thermal's Sliders Timer Prop With ELECTRONICS!!!


Sr Member
Ok, so I got my Timer prop from sliders from Thermal about a week ago, I ordered a finished version, fully built up, and just couldnt wait for electronics to be made, so I went and made some myself. These are all held in with hot glue so I can rip them out when exoray finished his and then just install them. So first off, i'm not a electronics guru of any sort, I built the boards myself and everything else, there are limits to what I know though, so all the number graphs are set in place and dont change at all, as goes for the bar graphs, but the regular LED's are sequencing. These electronics are just meant to fill the time until I get some professional one's. So, on with the pics!!!

Here is the piece without the lights going, as you can see the kit is amazing, Thermal did a incredible job and the paint is outstanding, you cant really tell cause I take crappy pics.





And now the lights, again, sorry for the crappy pics, it took about 3 days of work to get everything to fit in the piece, again, the lights are all static except for the 3 LED's on the left hand side, also these pics dont show but the main number graph does light up and work, looks great!






And now here are some pics of the inside of the unit, its kinda crammed in there, not alot of room, but if you look just above the battery holders you can see a small orange box, this is motor from a cell phone, I put it in so when its turned on it vibrates, like there's actually something working in there lol



Hope ya enjoy, see ya in another dimension!!!
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Re: Finished: Thermal's Sliders Timer Prop With ELECTRONICS!!!

That's totally awesome. Until recently I actually had the money set aside for one of those, once they're completed. After so long though I kind of lost interest. Still a very cool prop though.
Re: Finished: Thermal's Sliders Timer Prop With ELECTRONICS!!!

Looks like it belongs on the screen!

Great Job!
Thanks very much, it was a really fun project, i'm working on my Egyptian timer right now, have the electronics done, just have to finish up the body!!!
That is very cool!

I'm hoping to get myself a kit from Thermal soon. I will also get one with electronics when that is finished but I think I will do what you have done here for now so I can get filming.

Did you plan the circuit or just build it directly?
I planed the circutes alittle, but most of it was just as I was building. Seems more fun like that, unless your going to mass produce them. Thermals kits are incredible, highly recommend!!!
I actually did change it after these photos, i used a cell battery from a nokia phone so I can easily just plug it in, and with running the LED's it goes a long long time before it needs to be charged!
Hmm, now that Thermal's Timer thread has been moved to the Junkyard I can't post there! Evil.

Anyway I still love these pics and I'm gonna buy 2 finished Timers from Thermal whenever he has enough people to order. I always seem to miss out. One will be for filming and one for display purposes like you have done with your egyptian Timer.
I hope you get them soon, cant wait to see what you have planned for filming, there definetly isent enough sliders stuff out there!!!