show your sliders timer please?! original or custom


Well-Known Member
Hey all... Just on a visual kick at the moment. Had a bad cold this weekend and watched seasons 1 and 2 of Sliders on Hulu. So I'm jazzed up to see some timers in the wild. So post your pics of your timer. Completed, in progress, original or custom. Just wanna see some timer good-ness tonight. :cool
There are a bunch scattered around here, just do a search. Here's one I made for a custom timer contest that was held here a long time ago:


Unfortunatly nothing ever came of the contest. Additional pics and build-up can be found on my website here:
I almost bought a MicroTac on the bay a few weeks ago. Fortunately (or not), the reality of not having the time or patience to complete the project surfaced.

I remember searching this site and others but I never found enough information to really move forward anyway.... just lots of promises of various components or kits.
oh man, i would kill for a replica of the timer. I see the Egyptian one pop up every while or so on the bat but its nothing compared to the original. I'm surprised there aren't any kits available for these bad boys around anymore?
Hi guys just an update of this page with my homemade timer (1st season), it's my first home made replica, unfortunately not working, please be indulgent :p

I'm waiting for the crystal to complete the timer:

It looks really good. Where did you end up getting the right dial (knob)? I have the phone and some 7 segment displays that should fit but had no chance to do any work on it.

Hi guys just an update of this page with my homemade timer (1st season), it's my first home made replica, unfortunately not working, please be indulgent :p
Man, i ve wanted one of these since i was in my teens. I remember going to the dollar store and buying such a ****ty calculator and gluing it to a fake toy phone. This is one of those props that you hope to have one day, i just love the concept and the execution of this prop so much. beautiful static or not. cheers!!
Thermal is holding out he has a working one also, But the guy who did his electronic stop doing them. It is really cool you have chioces of set it to a ramdon time or set it to a set time. Then it will count down and the light at the top comes on white and radomly red. I am sure there is a video on you tube. But you would have to see it in person to enjoy it.
It looks really good. Where did you end up getting the right dial (knob)? I have the phone and some 7 segment displays that should fit but had no chance to do any work on it.

The same here my friend !

I'm not good to make a fonctionnal PCB, i tried to paid someone to make this PCB but nobody have time to buit it :cry

So i decided to make a static timer to begin.
I'm pretty sure it was Exoray who did the electronics wasn't it?

I think the only way that I am ever going to get any sort of working electronics in one is to learn to program microcontrollers myself. I've never used PICs and the like except for preprogrammed ones I have used in circuits that I have built. I will also have to look into the idea of charlieplexing for all of the displays which I'm not so familiar with as multiplexing.

I could always build it with static lit displays and then do "working" ones when I figure out how.

People who have done it before seem to not want to share as I guess they want to sell them. Some kind of a kit to keep costs down a bit would be great but a circuit even would be nice and even a PCB pattern. I am quite capable of doing all of the assembly and soldering and even making the PCB but not so good on the design side.

For instance the Star Trek Assault phaser kit sold at Roddenberry is like $220 and then the electronics add-on for it adds another $230 on top of that. That is a lot of money.

Thermal is holding out he has a working one also, But the guy who did his electronic stop doing them. It is really cool you have chioces of set it to a ramdon time or set it to a set time. Then it will count down and the light at the top comes on white and radomly red. I am sure there is a video on you tube. But you would have to see it in person to enjoy it.
hey all, im new to this forum but i've been a member of Sliders - Timer Replica's

for some time now. i have begun working on making timer replicas that actually work. i have a few videos of my replica on that site in this thread:

calling all sliders!!! my timer electronics in action!!!

and on youtube:

YouTube - My sliders timer work in progress part 2

i'll be offering a guide on how to build the electronics soon and also will be selling the completed electronics as soon as i have it perfected. if its not ok to post here like this please let me know. a lot of people have given up on timers but i havent and i wont anytime soon. please email me at if your interested in obtaining your own working timer electronics board and i'll see what i can do for you. i do this as i am a huge fan of the show myself and im not going to charge an arm and a leg, as its just a hobby and i beleive the fans deserve to get what they want. well im off to bed i have work ina f ew hours, enjoy!