Shoreleave, Hunt Valley MD 7/14


Well-Known Member
I know myself & a few other RPF'ers will be there. Saturday 7/14 is the most heavily attended day. The biggest fun is at the hotel bar, which can be accessed even if you aren't attending the con. So, toss on a costume/bring a prop & grab a beer with the rest of the geeks. :)
I'll be there! I think Cypher/Skareiva is going - haven't seen him in ages, and I'd love to say hello.
May the thread now proceed along the subject at hand...the con, and not a third party's unsolicited opinions about something that's none of his (or the board's) business.
Thanks Jay.
I'll be there Saturday - Seth, I'm bringing some BR paper props for you to "test" and knock around- want to get some feedback from you, as a BR fan!
I had a great time, it was nice to see some old friends and meet a few people who I have only ever talked to on message boards. Here are some pictures from the day.
What, no druken Ivonova pics? I'll let you guys share that story . . .i got to paint a barn over the weekend:angry