Series 6 Dr. Who ***SPOILERS***


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Oh wow, I wonder what the relationship between the Doctor & Amy Pond is and why it will be so shocking and I really can't wait to find out who that pain in the butt Riversong is. I kind of like the Android
storyline, they should go with it. I'm all for that one! :p

Doctor Who: Christmas Special 2010 and Series 6 Tidbits and Set Pictures – SPOILERS! | Anglotopia - For People That Love Britain

Beware of SPOILERS!!!

2010 Doctor Who Christmas Special Tidbits:
“This one’s incredibly Christmassy. That’s true of the previous ones but I wanted to go for broke. It’s easily the most Christmassy thing you’ll ever see. It’s a huge, sentimental, lovely, jeopardy-driven story. It’s the Christmas special I’d like to see. It’s like a compilation of every Christmas movie. A big Christmas treat. But that doesn’t mean it’s without scares, and that doesn’t mean it’s without heartbreak. It has genuine tragedy in it.”
From io9:
(Moffat) He confirmed again that this season is all about “the silence”, and he referred to the silence as “they”. He says this season will be something of a departure from the tradition of a word or concept appearing in minor ways throughout the season before paying off in the finale (Bad Wolf in series 1, Torchwood in series 2, Mr. Saxon in series 3, Rose in series 4, and the cracks in series 5, just so we’re clear). He suggests this season will actually tackle “a bigger mystery and a bigger story” than what’s been possible before. He also says some mysteries will be resolved fairly quickly.
On the identity of River Song:
“That’s absolutely coming. You’re going to find out very soon, and that means we have to do it next series, really… The critical thing here is I want to explain who she is, not explain away who she is. If you don’t deliver on most people’s expectations, and you just say, ‘Ooh, she’s a specially programmed android who believes she’s the Doctor’s wife,’ people will go, ‘That‘s a cheat.’ You can’t do that… It’s a really good story, and it’s sort of the story of next year.”

According to Planet Gallifrey – Moffat also revealed some details about the mid-season cliffhanger we can now expect:

Doctor Who showrunner Steven Moffat has revealed more details of the cliffhanger ending to the first half of the next series.
It was previously announced that the show’s sixth run will be split in half, starting in spring 2011 and returning in the autumn. “There will be a huge cliffhanger… that we wouldn’t normally do at the end of a series of Doctor Who because it would be too long before it came back,” Moffat told Doctor Who Magazine. “[It is] an enormous, game-changing cliffhanger for the Doctor, Amy and Rory. It will change everything for them.” Moffat promised that forthcoming episodes will contain revelations involving the Doctor’s friendship with Amy Pond. He teased: “You will see the Doctor’s life change forever, you will gasp in astonishment at the true nature of his relationship with Amy and you will cry out in horror as Rory Williams stumbles to the brink of a tragic mistake.”
Dear god, I PRAY that the bit about Riversong is just an of the cuff example and NOT where they intend to take the character..
It would kinda negate the whole library episode. :unsure
Yes, I think it's meant to be but I hope they go with the whole "not really married" thing because as you know babe, I think those two have no chemistry and they don't belong marred....
I think it was always left ambiguous on the Marriage dealy. As it is, The Doctor THINKS as we do about her. He knows just as much as we the audience does. Is it his wife? Is it not? Who is it? etc.
The stuff Moffat said about how the show and character will "change forever" doesn't give me any faith in his ability to do better this season than he did on the last one. Boo. Also not really a fan of the mid season finale unless that means they're going to give us at least 16 episodes.
I think I remember in the interview where he announce the mid-season finale that the season would be split after 7 episodes with 6 further episodes in the fall and the christmas special in the winter time.

And I feel Moffat is building this mid season finale up to a point where he can't possibly meet the expectations he's creating. He wrote himself into a corner last season and had to break canon to do it, I have a sneaking suspicion he'll do it again.

Moffatt IMHO can do situations really well but not character. His characters are all on a plain, hitting the same note.

I can imagine Mickey, Rose, Jackie as real people, I can imagine sitting in a room with them, interacting with them, putting in random stimulous and having them react in their individual ways, but not with Amy or Rory - to me, those are characters that cannot function without a script and a plot because there's really nothing there.

So I think Mr. Moffat really needs to bring in the other writers to start fleshing out his characters and should concentrate on the Blink type stories.
Also not really a fan of the mid season finale unless that means they're going to give us at least 16 episodes.

I'm with you there. I hate waiting as it is and now they're going to have a mid season finale. It stinks!