Question Search function (answered)


Sr Member
I was trying to search for the show "Haven" in the movie forum. However, it brought up everything with haven in it including the word "HAVEN't". I tried with and without quotes. How do I get the search function to only bring up exact match results?
I don't think you can, I might be wrong, but as far as I know the search function searches for strings that match your query.
Unfortunately, to the best of my knowledge, the built in search feature is somewhat limited in cases like this. :(
IIRC, it happens because the search engine ignores symbols ('.,;:&"()[]{}, etc.). As a result, you will get the following hits for haven

I would have to agree. That isn't just a limitation, but a crippling.

A rare limitation really...

The haven and haven't are actually pretty unique and rare examples of where SQL's search function fails due to the specific location of the punctuation in the word... You won't find many instances that are relevant like this, shame it happens but it's one of those rare instances...

As Montagar said SQL considers the ' as punctuation, and this is what causes the issue as SQL ignores punctuation as it's a 'word' based search...

When SQL is performing it's search it sees haven't as two words haven t, because it ignores the ' as punctuation... And subsequently it also ignores the now lone t as well since it's just a single letter word and too short to be indexed as a word...