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I am in no way affiliated with Sds and will earn nothing from the sales. I am just getting one as a thank you and that's fine with me.
Scope – a direct cast from the original propNEWSLETTER MAY 2009
A super-accurate E11 Blaster, with the level of originality, detail and quality you expect from Shepperton Design Studios. This is the definitive item, encompassing all the features of the most complicated blaster used in ANH. Including castings taken directly from the Sterling sub-machine gun used for the original props, the blaster is made from lightweight, composite materials so that at just 700g (25oz), trooping all day is no sweat.
Removable power pack cartridge
Barrel vent holes
T-track cooling coils
Internal rifle barrel
Scope – a direct cast from the original prop
Scope power unit with spec details – a direct cast from the original prop
Exposed trigger
Safety catch
Targeting sensors and power cylinders
Grip – a direct cast from the original E11 prop
Recoil spring
Serrated rear sights