sculpting with foam questions?


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, I'm going to be sculpting a few objects with high density carving foam (the taxidermy type).

I've done some work with pink foam before, with success. However, I find that with clays, I will often add material if I've taken off too much during shaping / sculpting.

The question is: for foam what do you use if you've "removed too much"? With pink foam, I would often spray some injection foam insulation on top, let it cure and cut off what I needed. But of course the injection foam tends to be "holey" and needs additional finishing, with plaster or whatever.

Any other ideas for fixes to higher density foams?

Ive used this foam before and its great, if you take off too much I usually just stick a piece of foam over it and stick it in with toothpicks. just embed the toothpick deep enough so you can keep on sanding. This is the way to go especially if you are covering the foam with bondo or resin etc.
If the chemical constituency is similar to styrofoam, then it's possible to use 3M styrofoam glue, which will not melt the foam - in addition to the toothpicks.
Gotcha, thanks for the tips.

Will 3M glue leave a seam between 2 pieces of foam? Or would it be better to use white glue on high density foam?
The 3M glue I've used is a spray. You can always wipe off the excess, but uneven surfaces will create a seam. However, i don't use the foam's natural surface. I simply use the foam as an armature and a different compound is applied to the surface to create the finish I want.

Here's something that might help you that I just came across via a web search. It's called Foam Coat and is on the right hand side of the page.
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